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Feeling Abandoned by DJI? I do!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2019
So you spend a lot of money on your DJI drone £1550 in the UK and one of the most expensive consumer drones on the market, DJI Mavic 2 Pro. Then DJI launch a bunch of cheaper drones and competitors release drones with much better features e.g. the Skydio with it's amazing optical avoidance :) DJI, well they're content to launch other, cheaper drones sometimes with better features and seem to abandon the owners of the Mavic 2 Pro which DJI could improve with some firmware updates.

Yes, I feel they've abandoned the owners who dipped deep in their pockets.

You guys might have different views and I'm always happy to read what other think - can the Mavic 2 Pro be firmware upgraded to compete with the likes of the Skydio?
So you spend a lot of money on your DJI drone £1550 in the UK and one of the most expensive consumer drones on the market, DJI Mavic 2 Pro. Then DJI launch a bunch of cheaper drones and competitors release drones with much better features e.g. the Skydio with it's amazing optical avoidance :) DJI, well they're content to launch other, cheaper drones sometimes with better features and seem to abandon the owners of the Mavic 2 Pro which DJI could improve with some firmware updates.

Yes, I feel they've abandoned the owners who dipped deep in their pockets.

You guys might have different views and I'm always happy to read what other think - can the Mavic 2 Pro be firmware upgraded to compete with the likes of the Skydio?

The Mavic 2 pro is designed for Video and Picture taking explicitly not how well it can run the decathlon, so never expected updates on the sensors.
The Mavic 2 Zoom is designed for those wanting the best and easy B roll
The Air 2 Family is waiting on the Smart Controller update that was mentioned
The Mini was designed to wet the whistle , and wish for a new drone
The Skydio family is waiting for better pictures quality and video and better sensors.

DJI - maybe not perfect but does cater to those finding there niche.
Gear to fly your DJI in the rain.
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So you spend a lot of money on your DJI drone £1550 in the UK and one of the most expensive consumer drones on the market, DJI Mavic 2 Pro. Then DJI launch a bunch of cheaper drones and competitors release drones with much better features e.g. the Skydio with it's amazing optical avoidance :) DJI, well they're content to launch other, cheaper drones sometimes with better features and seem to abandon the owners of the Mavic 2 Pro which DJI could improve with some firmware updates.

Yes, I feel they've abandoned the owners who dipped deep in their pockets.

You guys might have different views and I'm always happy to read what other think - can the Mavic 2 Pro be firmware upgraded to compete with the likes of the Skydio?

Explain how they’ve actually abandoned you please.
Then DJI launch a bunch of cheaper drones and competitors release drones with much better features e.g. the Skydio with it's amazing optical avoidance

Shame on DJI for not stopping their competitors from releasing new products! What is the world coming to! You'll never keep up with the market - there will always be something better or cheaper coming and as soon as that arrives, something new will be being developed to replace it. How has DJI abandoned or duped you?
That's another story - the M2P was advertised with the Epson Moverio glasses, then DJI change the controller and the Moverio's are no longer compatible!

So what do DJI say about this - absolutely NOTHING!

You'll be pleased to know the Moverio works the RC1B remote controller:

Your complaint about the Mavic 2 Pro is essentially a complaint against technology in general since pretty much any device will improve in time and prices will come down so with the Mavic 2 Pro now approaching two years old it's reasonable to expect its hardware to be surpassed and the costs dropped. A better obstacle avoidance system would likely need new hardware and so would some of the MA2's camera tricks bearing in mind the MA2 has a newer stacked sensor design (which has a far faster readout) against the M2P's older BSI design. Although Sony do offer a 1in stacked sensor I don't believe it's available to other vendors same as their FF version from the A9 series.

All that said if someone offered me a full refund for my M2P so I could choose another drone, I wouldn't even consider it. The reason I bought the M2P is for its large 1in sensor and it still works just as well as when I bought the drone offering a superb amount of dynamic range not possible from smaller sensors. It already had the better Occusync connection the Mavic Air 2 gained the Mavic 2 series still has a better controller thanks to the builtin screen. The Autel Evo II does also offer a 1in sensor but I still can't even seen them for sale so it can't even be in contention for me. I would agree with your complaint if DJI had reduced the functionality through software upgrades which does happen in some cases but certainly not with the Mavic 2. I would also advise against buying a product in the hope it will be upgraded in time to do what you want because it may never happen, you should always buy the product based on its functionality at the time.

Who knows what the Mavic 3 will bring or if it even exists but if it manages to significantly improve on the Mavic 2 I'll be delighted because that's going to be quite a drone.
So you spend a lot of money on your DJI drone £1550 in the UK and one of the most expensive consumer drones on the market, DJI Mavic 2 Pro. Then DJI launch a bunch of cheaper drones and competitors release drones with much better features e.g. the Skydio with it's amazing optical avoidance :) DJI, well they're content to launch other, cheaper drones sometimes with better features and seem to abandon the owners of the Mavic 2 Pro which DJI could improve with some firmware updates.

Yes, I feel they've abandoned the owners who dipped deep in their pockets.

You guys might have different views and I'm always happy to read what other think - can the Mavic 2 Pro be firmware upgraded to compete with the likes of the Skydio?

The only two drones that I have at the moment is the spark and platinum. And every single time I call on them to fly they do. And do it well. So as long as that keeps happening. I am GOOD.
Thanks for all the replies, I read every one carefully.

I'm delighted that the problem with the Moverio's and the newer controller has been resolved - I had ordered one but cancelled my order just in time when I heard the RC1B was not compatible.

Great to 'stir' debate and emotions :)
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Thanks for all the replies, I read every one carefully.

I'm delighted that the problem with the Moverio's and the newer controller has been resolved - I had ordered one but cancelled my order just in time when I heard the RC1B was not compatible.

Great to 'stir' debate and emotions :)
I couldn’t quite understand your gripe to be honest BUT it prompted me to check out the Skydio which looks pretty good. I think better competition would be good for DJI so I am intrigued to see how they compare head to head with skydio.
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Rightly or WRONGLY, I felt that DJI could have made the M2P better by way of firmware updates - especially obstacle avoidance. But it seems I'm wrong as explained by some of the contributors in this thread.

I wasn't aware the problems encountered between the RC1B controller and the Epson Moverio's had been resolved! For the months I watched the discussion on this, despite requests for information from DJI about any resolution, nothing emerged from DJI. I'm glad it's resolved and will now consider buying the Moverio's.

That's what technology is about too, so I certainly don't 'complain against technology'! The whole idea of firmware upgrades is so bugs and features can be rolled out.
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Man, it really sucks to be a Phantom Vision 2 owner right now.

Everything in-between is just progress.
Image how badly I feel with my original 2012 phantom (1) with the telemetry card Velcro’d to the side
So you spend a lot of money on your DJI drone £1550 in the UK and one of the most expensive consumer drones on the market, DJI Mavic 2 Pro. Then DJI launch a bunch of cheaper drones and competitors release drones with much better features e.g. the Skydio with it's amazing optical avoidance :) DJI, well they're content to launch other, cheaper drones sometimes with better features and seem to abandon the owners of the Mavic 2 Pro which DJI could improve with some firmware updates.

Yes, I feel they've abandoned the owners who dipped deep in their pockets.

You guys might have different views and I'm always happy to read what other think - can the Mavic 2 Pro be firmware upgraded to compete with the likes of the Skydio?
they did just do a firmware update to the Mavic two pro with some pretty good features they extended the range which by the way really did extend the range. There’s no better dronethan the Mavic two pro still I feel in my opinion anyway in that price range,. But I do agree their service kind of suck I have had my smart controller now for about six weeks in for repair
Rightly or WRONGLY, I felt that DJI could have made the M2P better by way of firmware updates - especially obstacle avoidance. But it seems I'm wrong as explained by some of the contributors in this thread.

I wasn't aware the problems encountered between the RC1B controller and the Epson Moverio's had been resolved! For the months I watched the discussion on this, despite requests for information from DJI about any resolution, nothing emerged from DJI. I'm glad it's resolved and will now consider buying the Moverio's.

That's what technology is about too, so I certainly don't 'complain against technology'! The whole idea of firmware upgrades is so bugs and features can be rolled out.
The only way the Mavic two pro could improve obstacle avoidance is by adding an additional sensor on each side of the drone which it does not have
So you spend a lot of money on your DJI drone £1550 in the UK and one of the most expensive consumer drones on the market, DJI Mavic 2 Pro. Then DJI launch a bunch of cheaper drones and competitors release drones with much better features e.g. the Skydio with it's amazing optical avoidance :) DJI, well they're content to launch other, cheaper drones sometimes with better features and seem to abandon the owners of the Mavic 2 Pro which DJI could improve with some firmware updates.

Yes, I feel they've abandoned the owners who dipped deep in their pockets.

You guys might have different views and I'm always happy to read what other think - can the Mavic 2 Pro be firmware upgraded to compete with the likes of the Skydio?
I feel the same way and even though the Mavic 2 Zoom is harder to fly than my Mavic Pro, one would think that a Company that tries to emulate Apple would have much better Software and Customer service!
I have a Mavic Air and still love it. While I envy some of the newer features to improve the link and capture better video I bought this drone for its size.

That said, in the US, many will feel abandoned if their recently purchased DJI drone can’t be flown after the FAA’s remote ID requirement goes into effect. Unless their is a HW retrofit, all of our drones will turn into fancy paperweights. At least I have had a few years of flying my MA. I will not buy any new drone until DJI tells us that this capability is built in.
The other perspective here is to differentiate between marketing hype and actual performance. Most high tech products are promoted with features which work properly only under just right conditions, so reading it does not tell you much about what performance you will actually get. YouTube videos are even worse, as their creators are completely free to say anything they believe without any linkage to real data.

DJI drones consistently lead the market with well more than 50% of the market. Customers have voted with their wallets and proven performance of the products.
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