I'm sorry, but do you really ever own anything... house - don't make the payments or the taxes, it goes. Car - don't pay the taxes or tags can't drive it. Your phone - don't pay the bill can't use it, get out of range can't use it. If you use google and have location turned on your phone. They know where you are at all times. If you don't like something then change it. There are tons of youtube to build your own drone.
I come to this forum to read and see what other people are doing with there mavics. The good or bad times, no one wants to read about how someone thinks DJI is controlling there drone. You're being controlled by your boss, wife, kids, goverment, police, ect.. SELL the **** thing and go away!!!
Sorry, just tired of reading all about the new FW updates. I'm 100% updated and I'm flying fine! Having fun and enjoying life.