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First time out with the Mavic


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2017
West Midlands UK
This is my first time out with the Mavic having only received it on Friday.

Couldn't go out much at the weekend, but did a couple of test flights in the back yard.

Nerves were on edge slightly in the yard due to proximity of fences etc.

So, today, went out to our local park. Was a nice day, albeit slightly windy (gusting up to 15mph). Virtually no-one on the park, especially the top field as many don’t wander up there.

Got to say, having the freedom to actually fly has blown me away a little. Was a little nervous due to the wind, but the Mavic handled it easily.

Didn't wander too far or too high initially, just doing laps, figure of eights, reverse flying, take-off's / landings etc. Feel a little more confident now I have had chance to fly in the open.

I did have record on whilst flying, but wasn't paying attention to filming. Will review the footage later.

I did get chance to try the Hangar 360 app out - Again, was nervous as it flies up to 300 feet autonomously - Got a crick in my neck keeping my eye on the Mavic up there.

Here's the result - Not bad for a first go.

360 Degree View of Brunswick Park - West Midlands - UK
what a feeling... hope you enjoy your flying. You will start building trust as flights go by. No need to skip classes, give it some time. Read the manual, watch tutorials, search this forum. Once you master navigation you will move to the next step, camera settings, and then again next step, post production for videos and photos etc etc. It is a wonderful journey this.
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Indeed it was a great feeling. Trying not to run before I can walk.

I just checked some of the footage I did, noticed on the first video there was quite a bit of jello effect when the mavic was facing a certainly heading.

Second video, hardly anything.

I did calibrate the gimbal prior to flying.

Going to attribute it to shutter speed, gusty winds and it was sunny, on Auto and I didn't lock the exposure.

Got some Taco-RC ND filters to try next time out to bring the shutter speed down(up).
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Well, they fit snuggly, and look fine, come in a nice case, but I haven't had chance to fly/record with them yet. Have tested hand held, was going out tomorrow, hopefully the rain / thunder storms hold off in the morning as I have work in the afternoon.

I'm hoping they fix the jellow effect I have seen in my last couple of recordings. Have checked all the usually suspects (gimbal fitting etc). It was quite windy when I filmed, so hoping that was the reason, otherwise, I will send it back to Amazon for refund/replacement and grab another ASAP.
I had a little jello on mine and got some filters. Still waiting to try them out.
Your profile says the West Midlands. I have a cousin that lives in Keele. I think that's how you spell it??
Good luck
Keele's not so far from me. Never been there though.

Finally got to try out the ND Filters - No more Jello effect which is awesome - Not sure what to attribute it to being fixed to though.

They seem to work well so far. Only tried the ND16 out today. Was quite sunny. When videoing, I had shutter set to 60, ISO 100 and the resulting video was decent without any colour correcting.

Got some good motion blur in there also. Tested in sports mode about 3M from the ground with camera pointing down over a grassy field.

Just watched it back and felt dizzy after. Sport mode is fun, but jeez that mavic don't half shift in that mode. Leave plenty of room for breaking.
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