Just wanted to let you know that I flew yesterday at the park and it wasnt that bad. I definitely enjoyed myself. I had one scare where a huge hawk came at my drone and i was already at the altitude limit so i couldnt fly up anymore. Luckily I think the way i moved my drone might have scared it off. lol.
There was one other person there flying a model A10 and he was pretty chill. He wasnt there that long though.
Im not sure if the 3S AirSense has been tweaked or not but I got the notification once per plane and that was it. It really wasnt that much of an issue. But I will say this, after reading your initial post, i went and googled to see how to turn the AirSense off incase it did get annoying and i came across people that were posting about a glitch on the
Mavic Air 2 in which the AirSense wouldnt stop going off. Apparently it was some bug. Not sure if that might have been what you were experiencing or maybe it was just a busier day. But id get one low notification with a little yellow message in the top left of my screen and that was it.
All and all it was an enjoyable first flight. I didnt do too much just flew it around and tested out some shoot modes. Its an interesting area and you can get some interesting shots but i was more focused on just trying out stuff. Im going to read up more camera settings for next time. Can't wait to fly again. I may try a different park or I may just go back.