Thanks for the reply’s guys! Means a lot! All the people that responded now or in my previous thread either said Get FlyMore or Get Single Drone. I’m definitely thinking to get the
Mini 1 not the
Mini 2 as I don’t have that much money. So definitely I’m going for
One battery is never enough except for a extremely minute few. I run no less than four for any of my aircraft. So comes the issue, If you are thinking about getting a fly more than your but $50 short of a
Mini 2 (Solo). And you should go out and find the couple of odd jobs you might do to obtain the difference. Buy the better product for the future. The
MM1 is a nice aircraft, the
Mini 2 is arguably double what the Mini one offers for not double the price.
I really think being as young as you are you need to prioritize. You simply are going to enjoy the
Mini 2 longer than the Mavic mini. It is money well invested to the future. You, I believe, have what we older folks call "new car fever". Those that have a
Mini 1 and only the
Mini 1 (No other aircraft) pretty much all wish they had the
Mini 2 instead.
It is only those that don't know the difference or have multiple aircraft to fill various circumstances that the
Mini 1 is good enough. As a first time flier (We were all there once) I waited six more months to get a Phantom 3 Pro when I had the money and was chomping at the bit to get a camera quad but could barely afford the Phantom 3 Advance. It was the best decision I ever made and I still have that aircraft 5 years later....and still fly it quite a bit. I know you have made your decision, but I ask you to pause and reconsider. But the choice is surely yours, it's your money. I wish you happy flights, safe landings...but don't come back in a month or two wishing that you had listened to those a bit more seasoned than you after your
Mini 1 floats away never to be seen again