Not sure whether to start a new conversation thread for this. DJI Fly App on my Samsung A8 suddenly stopped during the flight last night. I was watching the drone and trying to track it by the blinking light when I saw back to the RC and phone; the app was closed and the phone was about to lock just as it does in normal idle condition, and locked. For few seconds I couldn't figure out what happened and why the phone is locked. I unlocked it and found the app was not running. I failed to react to this situation and was wondering how would I catch my 3 days old M2, falling from 200ft in the night sky

Then I started the app again, it showed the main screen. I connected to the aircraft by connection button and after few seconds it showed me the current altitude. I just pulled the left stick downwards to ground it ASAP and fortunately was able to do so. This incident, especially a day after the birds (unnecessarily) threatened my M2, brings a lot of questions in my mind which I want to pose in front of this expert forum:
1. Is there a connection between the aircraft and the remote controller, independent of the app?
2. What is the SOP if the app stops; crashes; phone's OS crashes; phone is off (other than charging reasons) to control the bird using RC only?
3. When I unpacked the package and tried to install the DJI Fly App on my Samsung A8, it wasn't there on the Google Play Store. I had to go to the DJI website to download the app directly from there. It is version 1.3.0. Is this linked to the problem?
4. Am I using the right App version for my
Mini 2?
Thank again for your time and answering a week's old PILOT.
Kashif Siddiqui