The main problem is complying with the drone code.
Most people live in towns so the rules about distance from people and not over congested areas would apply.
Also the visual line of sight is hard in towns.
So nothing different. You cant leave your house to do it - its non essential.
Its worth noting that some police forces are becoming VERY petty about people outdoors, even miles from any other people going for a walk so id expect them to clamp down on drones just because (i) they can and (ii) they're bored.
Speed camera revenue is down, routine police work has basically stopped so most are just sat on their arses or wandering around with nothing really to do.
The police in the peak district, clearly with nothing productive to do any more, released a "shame" drone video of people walking in the area, miles from other people, nobody in groups over 2, doing no harm at all. But they still wasted time and resources filming then releasing this video.