Here sre a few suggestions.
If you are flying from your property, even if you stay over it, let your neighbors know you have a quadcopter and will be flying it in the area.
Do not fly near any animals (pets, livestock, wild).
Do not fly near dwellings without notifying inhabitants if possible.
Always be vigilant of intrusions into your airspace. (Light aircraft, helicopters, birds, etc).
Only fly when the weather is suitable. If in doubt, don't fly.
Take note of the height of trees, buildings, towers, etc in the vicinity of your flight.
Make a preflight checklist and use it every time. (Batteries full, gimbal protector off, propellers seated, battery seated etc, ).
Much more, but this might get you started.
Check out this organization for RC flyers in Canada.
View the Clubs Affiliated with MAAC | Model Aeronautics Association of Canada