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Flying in dust storms - a bad idea?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 94047
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Deleted member 94047

Hello folks!

Over the weekend, we had a very unusual weather event where I live - a dust storm. These are very rare in my part of the world and from what I have read, this particular event was a result of low pressure over the Sudan and parts of North Africa. So the butterfly effect and all, we ended up with skies like these starting Friday afternoon and extending to Sunday.


So this being a rare event and all, I was tempted to fly and capture it. Two things made me not do that. First, visibility was so low that I doubted if I would be able to capture anything of value in the first place. Second, I was not sure if flying in to a sky full of dust and particles was good for the motors. So even if I decided not to fly this time, I wanted to hear what the community has to say about flying during dust storms. I understand VLOS is certainly an issue here but I also would like to know how risky it is for the aircraft in terms of damage to the motors and such. Any thought? Or perhaps experiences?

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Reactions: old man mavic
Hello folks!

Over the weekend, we had a very unusual weather event where I live - a dust storm. These are very rare in my part of the world and from what I have read, this particular event was a result of low pressure over the Sudan and parts of North Africa. So the butterfly effect and all, we ended up with skies like these starting Friday afternoon and extending to Sunday.

View attachment 96751

So this being a rare event and all, I was tempted to fly and capture it. Two things made me not do that. First, visibility was so low that I doubted if I would be able to capture anything of value in the first place. Second, I was not sure if flying in to a sky full of dust and particles was good for the motors. So even if I decided not to fly this time, I wanted to hear what the community has to say about flying during dust storms. I understand VLOS is certainly an issue here but I also would like to know how risky it is for the aircraft in terms of damage to the motors and such. Any thought? Or perhaps experiences?

a very good decision not to fly,the fine particles make a very good abrasive ,and would not do the bearings in the gimbal or motors and the internal cooling fan any favours
and also the props could get damaged as they spin in the dust,in affect the whole airframe could have been compromised
You make very good points @old man mavic. The props never even crossed my mind but you are absolutely right, they would probably have suffered. Thanks!
one last thing that i just thought of the amount of dust being sucked into the cooling fan and motors could have caused the mav to overheat and crash
What about the dust your going to suck into your eyes and lungs. Naaaa
That was unavoidable anyway. But on hind sight, I could have at least put on a face mask. Like I said, totally inexperienced when it comes to dealing with sand storms.
Dust like that would be bad for ALL parts of your drone, it'd get through the entire internals as well as gimbal and motors etc.
It'd be cool to film an approach of a dust storm front like in @Thomas B photo above, but get on the ground and inside before it hits proper.
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