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Aug 11, 2022
Phoenix Az
Honorably discharged Vet, USN E5 GMG 75-79. College educated. Over 30 yrs as a Racing Engine Machinist, currently still working at a facility restoring MB 300 SL Gullwings and Roadsters. Just finished a complete refurb of an Alfa Romeo GTA engine, and am starting the process on an Aston Martin DB5 engine. Attended a Vocational high school, studied Mechanical Drafting. My strengths are Abstract Reasoning & Logic, as well as the ability of being able to think outside the box.

About to get back into serious 4X4 wheeling after nearly 10 yrs of inactivity. Got the Drone concept in mind to use as means to determine if narrow trails I used to get through are still passable. Many times I've ventured into situations that would not allow turning around to escape an obstacle. Not something an old guy with some mobility issues wants to face. Point of fact, ... I could have been a victim of carjacking or robbery on at least 3 occasions. Escaped using quick and aggressive maneuvering. Only a fool goes out in the Sonoran Desert if they are not properly armed.

Awaiting delivery of a recent purchase of a preowned Mavic 2 Zoom with regular and a Smart Controller. While I do know a local drone flyer, his unit is several generations older. He has a local business of capturing and editing video content. Here is a sample of his drone work and editing ability;

Halftack Progression_Ver5B_final.mp4

Sure would appreciate any input from the broader community to help me get the most bang for my $$$ !!!

Thanks In Advance !

Awaiting delivery of a recent purchase of a preowned Mavic 2 Zoom with regular and a Smart Controller. While I do know a local drone flyer, his unit is several generations older. He has a local business of capturing and editing video content. Here is a sample of his drone work and editing ability;

Sure would appreciate any input from the broader community to help me get the most bang for my $$$ !!!

Hey Joe,

Welcome from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. We have a Member's Map in the Upper Right of the Title Bar.

What a great intro note and I really enjoyed the video. Your user name is HugoStiglitz, but you sign your note, "Joe" Are you the "Joe Sikorski" in the credits of the video?

As a New Drone Pilot, there are a couple of Legal Things you may need to do…

If you have not already done so, you will need to get your TRUST Certificate. You can get that at the Pilot Institute Web Site (FREE…) . Your new Drone weighs more than 250-grams (0.55 pounds) so you are required to register your Drone.

I registered my Mini 2 because the TRUST Certificate and FAA Registration established me as a "certified" Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Flyer.

Link to the Pilot Institute Web Site (FREE…)

Link to the FAADroneZone (Optional for Drones under 250-Grams…)

If you plan on using your contacts with that business that captures and edits video and plan on trying to sell it, you will need to get your Part 107 License, here is a link to get you going…

Since you live in Arizona, there are specific laws and rules for you to follow, please check the link below for all the Rules and Laws that are in effect in your neck of the woods and it also links you to some of the Best Places to Fly in your area… Also, if you travel on vacation, visit friends, and relatives in other parts of the country, check back here so you do not run afoul of the law.

As a Newbie, here is some Good Old Fashion Advice…

Do not let the excitement of the moment get the best of you. When you are going out to fly, do it slowly and deliberately. Get used to a set procedure and even practice it.

There are so many things I could write but these are the highlights that I feel need mentioning.

Plug in your phone/tablet into your controller; turn on the Controller and DJI Fly App (if it does not start on its own…). On the Drone, open the front legs, then open the back legs, then remove the Gimbal Cover.

The Gimbal is the most delicate item on the Drone and banging or bumping can damage it. I also fastened a short "Remove Before Flight" ribbon to the cover so it's more noticeable and I do not forget to remove it…

Turn on the drone and watch it come to "life." Watching the Gimbal go through its self-check is almost like watching a kitten or puppy opening its eyes for the first time…

Place the drone down (preferably on a Landing Pad) while it finishes its self-test (collecting satellites, etc…).

Check your battery status (Phone, Drone, and Controller), check the Signal Strength, by now the Controller should have reported it updated the Home Point.

Lift off, 4-5 feet (1-1/2 meters) or so, hover a bit, check the controls (move the drone a bit forward, back, left, right, yaw left and right). By now, your Controller will probably report again, Home point Updated.

If you go out in a rush and race thru your start up and take off before the drone has finished it prep, it may update its Home Point over that pond or that old tree you are flying over and in your excitement, you'll fly the drone long past it Low Battery point and when it engages Return to Home and lands in the pond or in a tree; it will be all on you…

Now go have fun, learn to fly the drone by sight before you try to fly it out a distance depending on the video feed, FPV.

I would also advise you to use YouTube and watch a lot of the Videos on flying and setting up the Drone. When it is too dark, too cold, or too wet, you can "fly it vicariously" through YouTube. Also watch some of the Blooper Drone Videos and learn how not to fly your "New Baby."

Below is the link to all of the downloads offered by DJI for the Mavic 2 Pro/Zoom, including the User Manual.

After you read the Manual, read it again, you will be surprised what you missed the first time and you will be better prepared for that first "scary moment…"

Happy, Safe and Legal Droning…
Hello from the Crossroads of America HugoStiglitz.

Thank you for your service. :)

Welcome to the Forum. :cool:
Welcome to Mavic Pilots! :) Enjoy the forum!Thumbswayup
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama, welcome to the forum!
Welcome to the forum.
Please and do be sure you have read our guidelines.
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching . Thumbswayup
Welcome to the forum! :)
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