What would be the best way to go for taking Raw photos?
1, single shot in Raw
2, multiple shots using AEB
Remember I’m just getting used to this, novice.. but any guildline’s would be much appreciated.
I took loads of photos a couple of nights ago which had loads of noise then I realised I was shooting ISO1600, very high. I know to keep this low so next time I’ll try in manual made with a low ISO.
Thanks in advance.
1, single shot in Raw
2, multiple shots using AEB
Remember I’m just getting used to this, novice.. but any guildline’s would be much appreciated.
I took loads of photos a couple of nights ago which had loads of noise then I realised I was shooting ISO1600, very high. I know to keep this low so next time I’ll try in manual made with a low ISO.
Thanks in advance.