I just experienced my 2nd incident in the past 2 days. v1.4.8 appears to be the cause, as I never had the app crash prior to the update to 1.4.8.
First time it happened, screen froze but I could still control the a/c. Giving the RTH command caused my
Mini 2 to return to home as expected.
This 2nd time, I had already initiated the RTH function while the app was working normally.
My 1st clue to v1.4.8 app crash was the RTH height. I programmed the a/c to climb to 100m before starting the return journey. At 94m height, I could see the height was not increasing per the screen indicator.
I re-started the DJI Fly app but it made no difference. That gave me reason to worry. I figured a re-start would result in regaining control over the screen of my phone. (I use a Samsung S8 on my
Mini 2). App re-start did not resolve the problem. However, a 2nd re-start of the app worked.
The drone did however, return to home point and I was able to control and land it without any problem.
Would flight logs show if the app has crashed??
Until DJI releases a fix for their latest update (1.4.8), we should all be extra careful to maintain VLOS at all times and use RTH if the screen freezes again. And don't allow the battery to get too low in case you experience problems.
Can someone ask DJI to fix the DJI Fly app v1.4.8 please?