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Fstop Labs experience?

Once Year

Nov 15, 2019
Hi Folks:
Any experience with FStopLabs? Specifically with the 3-in-1 Mavic 2 battery charger?

Searching shows people are happy with the lens changer.

New flyer here. Am stocking up on various products, including having purchased the FStopLabs Mavic 2 3-in-1 battery charger. Amazon reviews were fine, but the rules for use in the instructions are numerous, scary and very poorly translated including bad spelling. It could be just a "lost in translation" from Chinese issue, but then that makes me worried about the company's commitment to creating a good product if they don't find it necessary to pay for any sort of decent translation on their instructions sheet.

Given that this thing could cause my house to burn down in the middle of the night, should I be worried?
Welcome to the forum and would be cautious of using any charger during the nite. You need to be very aware of where
your charging and monitor the process as anything could go
bad at anytime. Cant comment on that charger and never have had any issues over the years but you never know.
I returned it. Going with OEM hub. Thanks for the battery warnings.
the hub does one battery at a time it does not charge them all at once and you still need to keep it in view during the charging process untill they are all charged
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Hi Folks:
Any experience with FStopLabs? Specifically with the 3-in-1 Mavic 2 battery charger?

Searching shows people are happy with the lens changer.

New flyer here. Am stocking up on various products, including having purchased the FStopLabs Mavic 2 3-in-1 battery charger. Amazon reviews were fine, but the rules for use in the instructions are numerous, scary and very poorly translated including bad spelling. It could be just a "lost in translation" from Chinese issue, but then that makes me worried about the company's commitment to creating a good product if they don't find it necessary to pay for any sort of decent translation on their instructions sheet.

Given that this thing could cause my house to burn down in the middle of the night, should I be worried?

Hey, all! Obviously, from my username, I work for F/Stop Labs, and I hope you don't mind me dropping in with a comment. I'm happy you brought this question up as it can be concerning when purchasing third-party charging equipment from a company you don't know. When I used to work for Apple back in the day, we would always recommend sticking with first-party chargers because of some of the inherent risks.

First, I want you to know that F/Stop Labs isn't a generic brand assembled in China, our team is made up of engineers, customer service specialists, and designers from companies including Google, Tesla, Microsoft, and Apple (that's me!). The specific Mavic 2 battery charger you are looking at has four different intelligent systems built-in to prevent damage.

1 - It offers thermal protection in which our charger will immediately reduce its charge and shut off if the temperature pushes above 140 F.
2 - Fuse protection ensures that if any component shorts, the unit will shut off.
3 - Each battery is on an individual charging channel, and will be cut off in the event of an issue.
4 - Overvoltage events (the events that cause fires) are handled by shutting off the charger if the battery voltage peaks into unsafe ranges.

Additionally, DJI's batteries offer their mechanical safety overrides for overcharging. I hope that I was able to alleviate some of your concerns. If you decide to give us another shot, reach out to me on this board, and I'll hook you up with a discount. :)

Thanks, all! Have fun flying!
Just a question. All batteries are dangerous. Has anyone heard of a DJI battery fire? just askin?
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