I'm still learning to read airspace sectional charts so don't take this as gospel...
Here is the airport in question on the current FAA Airspace Sectional Chart for that part of Maui:
The wide variegated red band around the airport denotes Class E airspace. Frequently, Class E airspace doesn't go all the way to the ground. However, in this particular case, you'll see a dashed red line just inside the Class E airspace band. That dashed red line indicates that inside that area Class E airspace DOES go all the way to the surface at certain times. Notice the text above the airspace, there are certain effective hours when that Class E airspace goes to the surface. Outside of those hours Class E airspace starts at 700' AGL (700' AGL is indicated in the legend for the chart, sometimes Class E starts at 1,200' AGL other times it is 700' AGL).
So, basically, if you are flying your drone outside the effective hours of when Class E extends to the surface, and you keep your drone below 700' AGL, you are NOT in Class E airspace. When outside the effective hours of Class E extending to the surface the airspace from the surface to 700' AGL is Class G airspace. A hobbyist drone pilot does not require permission nor need to make notification when flying within Class G airspace.
If you want to fly your drone WITHIN the effective time frame of Class E extending to the surface then you ARE in Class E airspace. Under HR 302 Section 349 (which is now law), hobbyist drone pilots are required to obtain PERMISSION (not just notify) to fly within Class E airspace.
You need to contact the airport to establish the hours during which Class E extends all the way to the surface. indicates that Manager of Kapalua Airport is Marvin Moniz. The telephone number is (808) 872-3830. See:
AirNav: PHJH - Kapalua Airport
I believe what I have posted is accurate but, again, I'm still new at reading sectional charts.