I would like to fly near a class E2 airport on Maui .
My intention is to fly only over the water from my position on the beach about 1-2 miles and I only intend to fly about 100' altitude.
There is a small Class E airport (JHM) nearby but it apparently is managed by a larger airport about 50 miles away in Kahalui (OGG).
It appears the only way I can communicate is by a phone number that I found through Airmap app.
FAA UAS map shows all zero's over the water where I want to fly...
This is a very small airport, with a few daily flights (small planes).
So I have some general questions...
Is there a database or airport listing somewhere that has email addresses (written responses/acknowledgements vs phone/verbal)?
Even though this shows a zero ceiling for where I want to fly, does that mean I shouldn't even try to contact the airport?
Am I asking the airport for permission or basically letting them know my flight intentions?
Do I make sure to get the name of the person I've spoken to?
Do I have any appeal if they tell me I cannot fly there?
I really want to fly from that location since my condo is literally on the beach there and I'm hoping to catch some whale video (March 2019).
Suggestions or advice appreciated.

My intention is to fly only over the water from my position on the beach about 1-2 miles and I only intend to fly about 100' altitude.
There is a small Class E airport (JHM) nearby but it apparently is managed by a larger airport about 50 miles away in Kahalui (OGG).
It appears the only way I can communicate is by a phone number that I found through Airmap app.
FAA UAS map shows all zero's over the water where I want to fly...
This is a very small airport, with a few daily flights (small planes).
So I have some general questions...
Is there a database or airport listing somewhere that has email addresses (written responses/acknowledgements vs phone/verbal)?
Even though this shows a zero ceiling for where I want to fly, does that mean I shouldn't even try to contact the airport?
Am I asking the airport for permission or basically letting them know my flight intentions?
Do I make sure to get the name of the person I've spoken to?
Do I have any appeal if they tell me I cannot fly there?
I really want to fly from that location since my condo is literally on the beach there and I'm hoping to catch some whale video (March 2019).
Suggestions or advice appreciated.