I have after market props for an
M2P, they were cheap on ebay (not necessarily meaning they were an unknown brand but more that I had little competition).
They are noticably more flexible than the DJI props and, indoors, I have the impression the drone hovered more smoothly than with the DJI props. I am left wondering if this have been due to their flexibility resulting in the blades flexing more before they 'got enough of a hold on the air' to affect the drone.
I also did two or three out door flights and saw no problems with them BUT they are no longer on the drone.
Because, even though I think they might be descent props there would, in the back of my mind, always be a "what if" concerning them. There is less of a "what if" in my mind when using genuine props.
The above aside, I dare say there are some good aftermarket props but equally I would dare say there are appalling after market props and your post does not mention a brand etc..
Your post suggests you think they are inferior to DJI props, if that is so then the answer is fairly obvious, don't use them., it is you who will have to suffer the niggling concern in the back of your mind.
Anyone of them need fail only once to cost you the drone.