These amazing light shows are cause by geomagnetic storms. Which as in its name, they are magnetic in nature and thus would it not act as if you were next to a big magnet.
Or you just encountered DJI's stupid fake compass warning that several flyers have experienced when launching in the dark.I attempted to fly 2 drones last night and both had compass issues and I have over 1000 hours of flight time launching the same way. Air2s and Mini4Pro… It was definitely something specific to last night.
It's happened to me six times in places I've flown from several times before without issue.
You could be excused for thinking this indicates magnetic interference close to the drone:

You could do the usual fix for this and switch off the drone and move to somewhere else even though you know there is no magnetic interference.
The first time I experienced this, I moved the drone five times and even recalibrated the compass, even though I knew that couldn't possibly do anything.
It was only when I encountered this again another day in a different location that I tapped the red warning to get more details.

There it is in DJI's poorly worded "warning", which also includes their ridiculous "calibrate compass".
Unable to take off in low light environment !!!
That has nothing at all to do with the compass.
I used a bright LED light to illuminate the launch spot and the drone launched normally.
I've run into this stupid "warning" a few times since and now launch from in front of my car with the headlights providing the "fix".
If I didn't understand how drones work and hadn't encountered this a few times, I might have believed it was some unexplained mystery force too.
But as I found out, it's DJI's poor programming.