Yesterday was my first flight after firmware update. I've had some strange gimbal behavior. First it gave me an error during bootup sequence for several times. After the second bootup after the same obstructed gimbal error I've initiated gimbal auto calibration. It went through just fine. Another reboot and yet again an error. I took off nevertheless.
During flight there were some jitter movements recorded on the resulting video. I'll cut those in a video later.
During an inspection after the flight I took a close look at the gimbal for the first time to be honest. There are two screws that look as if they are loose. I wonder if it is done so on purpose or is it something specific to my device?
During flight there were some jitter movements recorded on the resulting video. I'll cut those in a video later.
During an inspection after the flight I took a close look at the gimbal for the first time to be honest. There are two screws that look as if they are loose. I wonder if it is done so on purpose or is it something specific to my device?