Yes crashing does it no good. Also dust and/or sand.
I have taken the gimbal apart a couple of times. Tricky to do. Too many tiny pieces.
I have seen posts describing the camera as settling low or lop sided.
My conclusion is that the twisted cable loom(since it passes through the centre of all of the motors except the pitch motor) may offer a slight resistance that causes the changed alignment. There is nothing else except dust or dirt in the motors to cause a misalignment. (I have had mis-alignments and not found any obvious dirt or dust in the motors)
There is a stop centre back of the support for the yaw arm which sits in a cutout around the yaw motor. The yaw arm should rotate freely from stop left to stop right. The roll arm motor seems to have an internal stop which limits the roll arm motion. The camera pitch is limited by a collet which extents into curved slots in the camera frame thus limiting the pitch rotation. The twisted loom does not pass through the centre of the pitch motor but it does pass through the centre of the spacer on the other side.