DJI Mavic, Air and Mini Drones
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Dec 3, 2023
Estacada Oregon
Checking in from Portland Oregon area. Have had my DJI Mavic mini (a gift)for a couple years and not flown it to often as im not the greatest and the hand eye coordination (like typing or playing video games while watching screen)taking it slow and easy but im slowly getting better or so I thought. Had my first crash into a river last weekend flying under a bridge and thought it was a gonner, took 10 minutes to find it under 2 ft rushing water(still flashing) i was soaked but lucky to find it just as I was about to give up. Shook out as much water as possible after removing battery brought it home and gently blew out with compressed air(battery compartment had a slight burned smell which I figured was a bad sign) put it in rice for a week and powered it up yesterday and flew around yard for 15min with no issues,amazing (anybody else get lucky?). Thinking of trying a Dronemask2 to see if i can fly FPV better.
Happy flying all
Welcome to the forum!

Are you still using that battery?
That is a major concern for me.

Is this what I might call a MM1?

Your were flying FPV?
There is no way I can imagine every trying that. :rolleyes:

If you look at my location or not.
Stay away from Mavic Magnets (🌲)

Maybe will hook up with you later.

Rod ..
Welcome to the forum!

Are you still using that battery?
That is a major concern for me.

Is this what I might call a MM1?

Your were flying FPV?
There is no way I can imagine every trying that. :rolleyes:

If you look at my location or not.
Stay away from Mavic Magnets (🌲)

Maybe will hook up with you later.

Rod ..
Yes test flight was on battery that was in when it went in water dried in same rice not that it seemed wet (they look very tightly sealed) and I did charge it yesterday with no issues.
In not sure what terminology is correct for a Mavic mini it's several years old technology now I'm sure but seems a good beginner drone.
Wasn't flying FPV just camera on controller and camera is small screen , I've seen the Dronemask2 and think it might be easier to fly this way rather than looking down at phone.
I have many magnets in my yard I have been practicing avoiding.
Have a local fellow that builds drones and flies incredibly well and works with logging operations. Alusivekarma Fpv on FB always enjoy watching his videos and wish I was as good.
Surprising nobody has jumped into this thread yet.

The battery thing once they get wet?

Theses members are !!!.

Rod ..
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Checking in from Portland Oregon area. Have had my DJI Mavic mini

Welcome from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. We have a Member's Map in the Upper Right of the Title Bar. Click on "Members" and then Click on "Member's Map…" Check it out and you might find some new flying friends.

You have already been lambasted for flying so foolishly and illegally (you could not see your drone all the time…), As a New Drone Pilot, there are a couple of Legal Things you may need to do…

If you have not already done so, you will need to get your TRUST Certificate. You can get that at the Pilot Institute Web Site (FREE…). Your Drone weighs less than 250-grams (0.55 pounds), and while you are flying under The Exception for Recreational Flyers, you are not required to register your Drone.

Link to the TRUST Certificate at the Pilot Institute Web Site (FREE…)

FAA TRUST Online Portal for Recreational Drone Operators - Pilot Institute
Get your FAA TRUST Certificate of Completion to legally fly drones for recreational reasons in the United States.

Link to the FAADroneZone (Optional Registration for Drones under 250-Grams…)

If you are considering acquiring your Part 107 License, here is a link to get you going…

Since you live in Oregon, there are specific laws and rules for you to follow, please check the link below for all the Rules and Laws that are in effect in your neck of the woods and it also links you to some of the Best Places to Fly in your area… Also, if you travel on vacation, visit friends, and relatives in other parts of the country, check back here so you do not run afoul of the law.

Even if you have flown Drones before, here is some Good Old Fashion Advice…

You paid a lot of money for that Drone, put your phone number on it. If your drone gets lost or stuck in a tree and it finally comes down when you are not around, give the finders an opportunity to contact you so it can be returned.

Now, for the Fun Part, But do not let the excitement of the moment get the best of you. When you are going out to fly, do it slowly and deliberately. Get used to a set procedure and even practice it.

There are so many things I could write but these are the highlights that I feel need mentioning.

Plug in your phone/tablet into your controller; turn on the Controller and DJI Fly App (if it does not start on its own…). On the Drone, open the front legs, then open the back legs, then remove the Gimbal Cover.

The Gimbal is the most delicate item on the Drone and banging or bumping can damage it. I also fastened a short "Remove Before Flight" ribbon to the cover so it's more noticeable and I do not forget to remove it…

Turn on the drone and watch it come to "life." Watching the Gimbal go through its self-check is almost like watching a puppy or kitten opening its eyes for the first time…

Place the drone down (preferably on a Landing Pad) while it finishes its self-test (collecting satellites, etc…).

Check your battery status (Phone, Drone, and Controller), check the Signal Strength, by now the Controller should have reported it updated the Home Point.

Lift off, 6- feet (2-meters) or so, hover a bit, check the controls (move the drone a bit forward, back, left, right, yaw left and right). By now, your Controller will probably report again, Home point Updated.

If you go out in a rush and race thru your start up and take off before the drone has finished it prep, it may update its Home Point over that pond or that old tree you are flying over and in your excitement, you'll fly the drone long past it Low Battery point and when it engages Return to Home and lands in the pond or in a tree; it will be all on you…

Now go have fun, learn to fly the drone by sight before you try to fly it out a distance depending on the video feed, FPV.

I would also advise you to use YouTube and watch a lot of the Videos on flying and setting up the Drone. When it is too dark, too cold, or too wet, you can "fly it vicariously" through YouTube. Also watch some of the Blooper Drone Videos and learn how not to fly your "New Baby."

Below is the link to all of the downloads offered by DJI for the Mini, including the User Manual.

After you read the Manual, read it again, you will be surprised what you missed the first time and you will be better prepared for that first "scary moment…"

Fly On and Fly Safe…
Hello from the Crossroads of America crazyhiker.

If you fly with a mask, you'll need a Visual Observer to assist you during the flight.

The PIC or VO needs to see the aircraft and you can't do that while wearing goggles.

Welcome to the Forum. :cool:

I guess the Mavic batteries are fine when they get wet. Hasn't be the case on Phantoms.

Rod ..
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Welcome to the forum. You're absolutely correct about it being a great resource.

Your drone was completely submerged for ten minutes and you detected a burned odor in the battery compartment.

It's absolutely amazing to me that the drone and battery were operable afterwards. But, one 15-minute flight does not mean that there was no damage and it's now safe to fly. It's possible that progressive corrosion on circuit boards and components is happening. I would be reluctant to trust the drone in any situations where a sudden failure might create a hazard to people or property.

(Rice really isn't an effective desiccant. There are many social media stories suggesting that it is, but no endorsements from sources qualified to evaluate it.)
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@MS Coast

I'm really not trying to over take this thread.
It appears he went into fresh water. Anything like a ocean, pool, etc. In time will degrade the boards.


I got some help!

Rod ..
@MS Coast

I'm really not trying to over take this thread.
It appears he went into fresh water. Anything like a ocean, pool, etc. In time will degrade the boards.


I got some help!

Rod ..
Brackish and salt water is definitely a greater concern. But, fresh water is not distilled water. There are dissolved minerals and chemicals present in all natural surface water. Immediate electrical shorts (burned smell?) and longer-term corrosion are still a problem.
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@MS Coast

I'm really not trying to over take this thread.
It appears he went into fresh water. Anything like a ocean, pool, etc. In time will degrade the boards.


I got some help!

Rod ..
Yes fresh water river that was flowing pretty good due to recent heavy rain. Will definately do some more test flights on my acreage before using elsewhere.
Have a friend that had same drone on a trip to Ocean and flew out to far getting sunset pictures, and low battery crashed 50ft from shore so sand and salt water. Even after blowing out sand rinsing in freshwater and drying it was caput! Saltwater definately destroys them
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!
Checking in from Portland Oregon area. Have had my DJI Mavic mini (a gift)for a couple years and not flown it to often as im not the greatest and the hand eye coordination (like typing or playing video games while watching screen)taking it slow and easy but im slowly getting better or so I thought. Had my first crash into a river last weekend flying under a bridge and thought it was a gonner, took 10 minutes to find it under 2 ft rushing water(still flashing) i was soaked but lucky to find it just as I was about to give up. Shook out as much water as possible after removing battery brought it home and gently blew out with compressed air(battery compartment had a slight burned smell which I figured was a bad sign) put it in rice for a week and powered it up yesterday and flew around yard for 15min with no issues,amazing (anybody else get lucky?). Thinking of trying a Dronemask2 to see if i can fly FPV better.
Happy flying all
My Mini 2 hit a small branch and fell into a shallow creek. It was under water for a minute or two while I searched for it. The lights were still blinking when I found it.

Set it upside down in a bag full of moisture absorbing beads. 5 days later it was up and flying again. Wound up replacing it anyway as it still had the DJI Care Refresh on it.
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Lycus Tech Mavic Air 3 Case

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