Back in the day when I worked in IT Consulting, I recall one crusty, old programmer who told his wife, "Sweetie, you can have any hobby you want so long as it pays for itself." She agreed and not only went on to get her pilot's license (both fixed wing and glider), but also worked and became a certified flight instructor, and gave lessons to pay for her "hobby."
I started doing that some years back with my photography until the point came when I put my law books back on the shelf for good and am now a full-time photographer. So gear - including my drone - is a business expense.
And although it is no longer a hobby . . . I am sincere when I tell people, I have the best job in the world.
Now, that being said, I did practice Family Law. My friend, a woman who wouldn't want to see you with another drone just . . . may not be worth keeping, if you know what I mean. *wink*
I started doing that some years back with my photography until the point came when I put my law books back on the shelf for good and am now a full-time photographer. So gear - including my drone - is a business expense.
And although it is no longer a hobby . . . I am sincere when I tell people, I have the best job in the world.
Now, that being said, I did practice Family Law. My friend, a woman who wouldn't want to see you with another drone just . . . may not be worth keeping, if you know what I mean. *wink*