I lived on Brighton for a short time, it was a good time. While waiting for delivery, may I suggest; Read the manual. Read this forum, particularly the 'lost my mavic' threads. Learn why/how others have messed up.
I've begun reading the manual, and have been researching, watching videos and reading tales of woe for the past month - I put a lot of time into making the decision to get a Mavic, I intend to take my time, take care of it and be a responsible pilot
Welcome flawless... I'm not too far from Brighton... if you get the chance I'd recommend heading out to Beachy head for first few flights... there is a lot of open land on the north side of the road and some great locations for filming. I know it's 30mins from Brighton but it's been my go-to place for learning and filming without distractions! Wherever you fly, enjoy!
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current developments in Mavic quadcopter’s.