Greetings from Northwest Hampshire in the UK.
I've loved flight as a child and I've been watching youtube drone videos for a few years (and lurking on here!) thinking I'll never be able to do or afford that!
Then in May 2020 the UK was in lockdown so I needed something to do in the garden so I got a Lidl "stunt" drone for the princely sum of £19.99 - One battery, 6 minutes flight time, 2 hour charge time......I LOVED IT!!!
2 weeks later, "I need a drone with a camera!" - so I got a Chinese phantom clone for £29.99 but it had a camera, 1 month of that and I was amazed it actually went where I wanted and I could see above the trees, OK now I'm hooked.
Fast forward a few months and I've saved enough and done my research, I got a Mavic Mini 1...........I was over the moon, I watched ever video I could about it, shout out to @Ian in London for a proportion of my education! (especially about flyaways*)
Then in summer 2021 I upgraded to a MA2 and since then where I live the weather was utter rubbish, if the weather was good I was busy, if I wasn't busy it was windy or raining, I checked my logs, I managed 7, 30 minute flights from July to December last year, but I spent those flights learning and adapting the controls to how I like them.
New year, a resolution to just go and fly more, so I've been out 11 days this year so far, I'm a bit limited where I live as to where I can go and fly, I have no car but there's plenty of lovely open countryside and lakes and woodlands within walking distance BUT!!!! I also live in the intersection of 6 converging restricted flight zones so I'm limited to 60 Metres altitude :lol:
This year, get better at flying and improve my aerial cinematography/photography.
Nice to meet you all
*p.s you can ask about flyways
I've loved flight as a child and I've been watching youtube drone videos for a few years (and lurking on here!) thinking I'll never be able to do or afford that!
Then in May 2020 the UK was in lockdown so I needed something to do in the garden so I got a Lidl "stunt" drone for the princely sum of £19.99 - One battery, 6 minutes flight time, 2 hour charge time......I LOVED IT!!!
2 weeks later, "I need a drone with a camera!" - so I got a Chinese phantom clone for £29.99 but it had a camera, 1 month of that and I was amazed it actually went where I wanted and I could see above the trees, OK now I'm hooked.
Fast forward a few months and I've saved enough and done my research, I got a Mavic Mini 1...........I was over the moon, I watched ever video I could about it, shout out to @Ian in London for a proportion of my education! (especially about flyaways*)
Then in summer 2021 I upgraded to a MA2 and since then where I live the weather was utter rubbish, if the weather was good I was busy, if I wasn't busy it was windy or raining, I checked my logs, I managed 7, 30 minute flights from July to December last year, but I spent those flights learning and adapting the controls to how I like them.
New year, a resolution to just go and fly more, so I've been out 11 days this year so far, I'm a bit limited where I live as to where I can go and fly, I have no car but there's plenty of lovely open countryside and lakes and woodlands within walking distance BUT!!!! I also live in the intersection of 6 converging restricted flight zones so I'm limited to 60 Metres altitude :lol:
This year, get better at flying and improve my aerial cinematography/photography.
Nice to meet you all

*p.s you can ask about flyways