Good Afternoon from sunny (sometimes
) Italy,
I am a retired helicopter pilot, using drones since about ten years ago, self built and DJI mainly. I live in Tuscania, small village one hundred kilometers northbound from Rome, the Italian Capitol. I joined a NGO dedicated to Search and Rescue.
I am interested to the use of UAVs mainly on the following related topics: fast response/emergency photogrammetry, day and night human & animal S&R, automated S&R pattern flights, related software, tools and hardware.

I am a retired helicopter pilot, using drones since about ten years ago, self built and DJI mainly. I live in Tuscania, small village one hundred kilometers northbound from Rome, the Italian Capitol. I joined a NGO dedicated to Search and Rescue.
I am interested to the use of UAVs mainly on the following related topics: fast response/emergency photogrammetry, day and night human & animal S&R, automated S&R pattern flights, related software, tools and hardware.