Hello everyone. I'm a new Mini 2 owner.
I recently bought my 7 year old son a $25 Holy Stone drone not expecting much more than a weekend worth of entertainment from it for him. What I really didn't expect was that I would enjoy it so much...
So here I am.. a few weeks of reading and watching reviews later with an drone just for me. Well.. I'm actually waiting to open it in front of the family as a Christmas gift. I've set it all up, updated the firmware, calibrated, and taken it on two very short and low test flights.
I love researching and educating myself, but I have a question or two that I haven't been able to find properly framed answers for out there on the interwebs. I'll save those for the appropriate forum.
I recently bought my 7 year old son a $25 Holy Stone drone not expecting much more than a weekend worth of entertainment from it for him. What I really didn't expect was that I would enjoy it so much...
So here I am.. a few weeks of reading and watching reviews later with an drone just for me. Well.. I'm actually waiting to open it in front of the family as a Christmas gift. I've set it all up, updated the firmware, calibrated, and taken it on two very short and low test flights.
I love researching and educating myself, but I have a question or two that I haven't been able to find properly framed answers for out there on the interwebs. I'll save those for the appropriate forum.