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Hi guys, just thought I’d introduce myself. I’m a new Mavic 2 Pro pilot here in Spain. I used to fly a P3P for many years and finally made the switch to the M2P last week! Awesome drone!
I look forward to seeing where my Mavic adventures bring me [emoji1303]

Welcome my friend.
¡Bienvenido a PegasusRobin, de Hauptmann en Texas!

You'll find that flying your Mavic 2 Pro or any DJI quad is so easy. They practically fly themselves. This can lead to overconfidence. Read the manual, and be conservative at first. Practice using the “Find My Drone” App. Chances are you will crash and perhaps lose your bird. Don't wait until that happens to learn how to recover a lost drone.

Lots of good stuff to shoot throughout Spain and the EU. No Cal. Also, you might consider hacking the FCC mode. It will give you higher signal strength and better protection from lost connection.

Whenever you need help, there are over 100,000 of us from around the world to assist you as you gain experience and grow as a pilot and photographer.

¡Estamos felices de tenerte como miembro!
¡Bienvenido a PegasusRobin, de Hauptmann en Texas!

You'll find that flying your Mavic 2 Pro or any DJI quad is so easy. They practically fly themselves. This can lead to overconfidence. Read the manual, and be conservative at first. Practice using the “Find My Drone” App. Chances are you will crash and perhaps lose your bird. Don't wait until that happens to learn how to recover a lost drone.

Lots of good stuff to shoot throughout Spain and the EU. No Cal. Also, you might consider hacking the FCC mode. It will give you higher signal strength and better protection from lost connection.

Whenever you need help, there are over 100,000 of us from around the world to assist you as you gain experience and grow as a pilot and photographer.

¡Estamos felices de tenerte como miembro!

Muchas gracias [emoji4]

For sure! It’s so much more versatile than my old P3P, I’m still taking baby steps with it at the moment but I feel this is one amazing aircraft.

I look forward to seeing all your photos and videos and of course all of your help too.
It’s great to be part of the Mavic community and I’m very happy and willing to share my knowledge too. I’m a professional videographer/photographer and having a good drone as part my equipment is a must. I can’t wait to see what this bird can really do!

All the very best and happy flying!
Welcome to the forums - a lot of good info here. Also, the search function (magnifying glass icon upper right) is a great way to find answers to many of the questions a "newbie" will have. We were all "newbies" at one point.
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