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Hot weather warning for drones from the CAA

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I can't believe people don't read their manuals. Operate you drone with in the guide lines of the manual. No need for some government to tell you to do the same. If you need this then you should not be flying drones. Every flight I take I check the weather, temp, rain, and so on. Its common sense. Guess some don't have that anymore and need to be reminded from time to time.
(" Its common sense. Guess some don't have that anymore and need to be reminded from time to time.")
Well, I guess they don't realize they have the same super power as you also.
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Reactions: Jagerbomb52
Something that is not mentioned enough is when you have your drone in your car remember it gets very hot in there if left sitting in the sun. Don't have to remind you what that does to humans & pets so your batteries will not like it either. A small cooler works in the summer with ice packs and in the winter with heated bean bags.
If you think that's true you should offer a white or silver version. Most of yours are dark colors.
Its not true. Its another fictitious claim not backed up by any data at all.
Far more likely to increase heat issues by providing another insulating layer and air gap to reduce heat dissipation.
That’s something I rarely do, is drink water. Only fleeing coffee or soda during the day.

However I do not let the drone sit in the car, it goes inside the places I go, coffee shop, restaurants, etc. cars get much too hot to leave anything valuable in when it is over 75 and sunny.
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