Well-Known Member
It should stop or perhaps detour the drone but only within the speed of approach limits specified in the manual BUT I'd be wary of relying on it 100% i.e. do not approach at the speed limit or near it, and be ready to give full reverse of you think it is not going to work ( that's how I have used the M2P's OA, no detour with the M2P, though I did have it climb in a odd RTH once where I had misjudged the necessary RTH height.I assume the drone's forward facing obstacle avoidance would stop the drone, but would you then have to reset the maximum ceiling to be able to proceed further up the slope?

Yes you can raise the ceiling at any point, up to 500m if appropriate.
Incidentally if you lower the ceiling to below the drone's current height I think you will find the drone descends into compliance.
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