This advice is best suited for Part 107 operators as it involves seeking a waiver from 14 CFR 107.29 (Daylight Operations).
Being based in Atlanta, I live near a lot of controlled airspace:

I used to file an airspace use authorization specific to each job. For places I fly more than once a year (e.g. church or my neighborhood), I have authorizations on file specific to each area. I just succeeded in getting blanket authorizations for the area that I service. I hope this framework helps someone ...
Being based in Atlanta, I live near a lot of controlled airspace:

I used to file an airspace use authorization specific to each job. For places I fly more than once a year (e.g. church or my neighborhood), I have authorizations on file specific to each area. I just succeeded in getting blanket authorizations for the area that I service. I hope this framework helps someone ...
- Get a waiver for daylight operations (107.29). You would want to make sure to:
- Answer all the Waiver Safety Explanation Guidelines here: Waiver Safety Explanation Guidelines for Part 107 Waiver Applications, especially the PDF that asks for information about mitigations for certain risks.
- Apply for the longest timeline possible, up to four years.
- Once you receive your waiver, apply for the Airspace Use Authorizations, making sure to:
- Specify the maximum timeframe allowed (two years).
- All the timeframes are selected (Sunrise to noon, Noon to 4 PM, 4 PM to Sunset, and Night).
- Frequency is set to Daily.
- Set your proposed maximum altitude to 400 ft.
- Set your location to the airport's tower coordinates, which you can find in the chart supplements: Digital - Chart Supplement (d-CS). The coordinate system is degrees/minutes. You will need to convert the fractions of a minute to seconds.
- Set Radius to Blanket Area/Wide Area.
- Once you get your airspace use authorizations, go to Fly Safe – Drone Flying Tips, Policies & Regulations, and More – DJI to get your custom unlocks. You can unlock multiple zones per request. Click in the center of each airport, specify a radius of 7-8 km (enough to get past the NFZs, authorization zones, and enhanced warning zones), and altitude of 121 meters.