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I just Installed The Alientech DUO 3 on my RC PRO type B for Mav3E. Here are the details.

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Exactly! That's why I asked him to point me to the documentation. The FAA does address flying a drone from a "moving" vehicle (in sparsely populated areas) and I can understand that as you can follow the drone and keep in
You seem to Doubt the FAA , you should make a phone call as many of us have to confirm what is legal.

If flying from inside the car or ontop of an elephant was not allowed, I would simply not do it.
If flying in the Rain was not approved by the FAA I would simply not do it,
If landing on the Water was not approved by the FAA I would simply not do it.

But you seem to want to live in Doubt about all things flying a drone
Gear to fly in the Rain, Land on the Water.
You seem to Doubt the FAA , you should make a phone call as many of us have to confirm what is legal.

If flying from inside the car or ontop of an elephant was not allowed, I would simply not do it.
If flying in the Rain was not approved by the FAA I would simply not do it,
If landing on the Water was not approved by the FAA I would simply not do it.

But you seem to want to live in Doubt about all things flying a drone
Gear to fly in the Rain, Land on the Water.
No phone call is necessary. I can read! I guess you pick and choose which rules to follow. I suppose you need to in order to sell your wet suits.

Please stop misinforming people to do so.
No, I just believe that professional pilots should follow the rules and set a good example to others to do the same
I really feel like your the one misleading people .

You can fly from inside you car.
You can fly from inside your Boat
You can fly from inside your House
You can fly in the Rain

The key to all of this flying is to maintain VLOS.

There are no FAA rules stating that you cannot do this < If there were we would not do it.
Gear to fly in the Rain, From inside your Car.
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I really feel like your the one on this forum Miss Informing people .

You can fly from inside you car.
You can fly from inside your Boat
You can fly from inside your House
You can fly in the Rain

There are no FAA rules stating that you cannot do this < If there were we would not do it.
Gear to fly in the Rain, From inside your Car.
Well, be so kind to share the FAA documentation. I did. Oh, you just want us to take your word for it?

Yes you can fly within a house/building as the FAA had no jurisdiction. Yes, you can fly from a boat, provided you follow all other rules. But you fail to state if you're referring to a moving vehicle or a parked one. I know based on some of your videos and other posts you fly from a parked car in heavy rain. Well, that is NOT legal.

If you're able to, read

§107.53 400 feet above ground level, unless the small unmanned aircraft:
(1) Is flown within a 400-foot radius of a structure; and
(2) Does not fly higher than 400 feet above the structure’s immediate uppermost limit.
(c) The minimum flight visibility, as observed from the location of the control station must be no less than 3 statute miles. For purposes of this section, flight visibility means the average slant distance from the control station at which prominent unlighted objects may be seen and identified by day and prominent lighted objects may be seen and identified by night.
(d) The minimum distance of the small unmanned aircraft from clouds must be no less than: (1) 500 feet below the cloud; and (2) 2,000 feet horizontally from the cloud.

In the heavy rain and inside a parked car you cannot say you are able to follow the above rule- PERIOD

To say this is misinformation is to say the FAA needs to consult with you to know what they mean.
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No phone call is necessary. I can read!

And yet, interpretation is also necessary. We all found this out when a plain, explicit reading of 44809 seems to clearly rule out inspecting your own sailboat mast for possible repairs, which is not purely recreational, but when asked the FAA said that's fine. Which incidentally is what I expected.

This plays out often in the justice system as the "spirit" of the law vs. the "letter" of the law. No law or regulation can anticipate every possible situation, why we have judges, and one of their primary functions is discerning the "intent" of a law or regulation when it's application is in question.

Hence the judgement by the FAA that the body of regulation, p81 and ss107 really weren't written with the intent of prohibiting private, recreational pilots from flying around their own boat to look for problems that need to be fixed.

This car and weather situation might be open to some interpretation depending on circumstances too.
And yet, interpretation is also necessary. We all found this out when a plain, explicit reading of 44809 seems to clearly rule out inspecting your own sailboat mast for possible repairs, which is not purely recreational, but when asked the FAA said that's fine. Which incidentally is what I expected.

This plays out often in the justice system as the "spirit" of the law vs. the "letter" of the law. No law or regulation can anticipate every possible situation, why we have judges, and one of their primary functions is discerning the "intent" of a law or regulation when it's application is in question.

Hence the judgement by the FAA that the body of regulation, p81 and ss107 really weren't written with the intent of prohibiting private, recreational pilots from flying around their own boat to look for problems that need to be fixed.

This car and weather situation might be open to some interpretation depending on circumstances too.
Except where phantom rain says in his post #11

View attachment 178405
I use this same setup not for the extra miles as much as I do for the stronger signal to allow me to fly from inside the car and behind cliffs or buildings where the signal my be challenging.
Gear to fly in the Rain, Land on the Water, an fly with a strong signal.
@sarahb, I'm a little confused... I thought you were challenging the notion of flying from inside a car, or during the rain. That's what I understood from the regs you posted.

Losing VLOS when an obstacle is in the way is, to me, and completely different, independent issue. If has stated there is some way to do that legally without a waiver, I missed it.

Finally, I wasn't really wanting to insert myself into the debate you two were having. Rather, just pointing out that despite what the plain language of the written law says, it's a mistake to believe one's own reading of it is necessarily definitive. People with the authority to do so can add interpretation that is not there at all, and their judgement is what is law.

Carry on.
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Except where phantom rain says in his post #11

View attachment 178405
I am talking about when your flying between a building so the signal does not get blocked but you keep being Rude to me, go ahead > bud . Both your and Sarah took some nice shots at me , and HI Jacked his thread, Real nice. Im going to ask that the thread be cleaned up because for some reason people got all Emotional about flying from inside the Car. UGH ! Maybe they will close the thread, after your next posts.
Gear to fly in the Rain,
I wasn't really wanting to insert myself into the debate you two were having.
Yet, you did. Why say you didn't intend to?
the "spirit" of the law vs. the "letter"
That's like saying is it legal or lawful. C'mon the rules are not as vague as you imply. For example, If the FAA says you cannot fly multiple drones at one time, that is exactly what it means.

Trying to twist it to meat your own illegal flying is what I'm saying.
their own boat
The only thing I said about a boat is "yes you can fly from a boat so long as you follow the FAA guidelines. Why are you brining this into the equation?

My entire argument is about the ability to set in a parked car and maintain VLOS (unless one is flying about 10-15; and not more than a few feet, I argue that it impossible. I have a sunroof in my car and have tested it.

The FAA only addresses "moving" vehicles and it is allowed in sparsely populated areas. And as I stated before, I can understand that because you could actually follow the drone to maintain VOLS

If you guys want to stick together on this, fine! Eventually, it will catch up with the violator.

My primary reason for even getting involved is that there are so many here that claim to have passed the 107 exam, yet have no regard to following the FAA rules and those that are new pilots read this and get completely confused.
This is the Post that I made to the OP , never planned on anyone getting emotional about it to start pasting away let alone People being so Rude to me. Gross.

I apologize to the OP , all this hate an Bullying is meant for me, never meant for it to cross over to your thread.

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This is the Post that I made to the OP , never planned on anyone getting emotional about it to start pasting away let alone People being so Rude to me. Gross.

View attachment 178406
I have not been rude to you. Not once. I have simply pointed out to you and those reading this thread what the FAA says about the "extra miles" you mention.
  • Haha
Folks, let's get back on topic. The thread was created to speak to the Installed The Alientech DUO 3 and signal strength. It has shifted to focus mainly on distance. So, let's stay on track.
I was questioning phantom rain's maintaining VLOS... whether in a car or standing on his head in a parking lot somewhere

My bad, didn't look at the attribution carefully, mixed you and Sarah up. My sincere apology.
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It appears that folks just don't want to move on. Therefore, time to close this.

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