I covered a large piece of wood with tinfoil and placed my Mavic 3 on top of that and started it up. I also did the same without any tinfoil. The tin foil, at least for me, cut the acquisition time to 12 sats by about 1.5 minutes. I assume the tinfoil may have acted like a tiny signal collector bouncing the signal back up at the drone instead of just having the signal come from above. Now the signal comes down and bounces up. It seemed to work for me. IF I COULD ASK OTHERS, PLEASE TRY THIS AT HOME. It's cheap and inexpensive. Maybe we should start making helipads with radio reflective material in them that causes the signal to also bounce off the ground. I hope you all try this. Let everyone know if you notice a difference. Let us know if satellite acquisition gets shorter or longer and by how much. Your participation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.