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If only DJI followed the Victor Hasseblad model :0

In one respect I think I'd like to have a Mini 3, and would consider buying the base kit without the controller and then get an extended battery, using my Mini 2 controller. I wouldn't even mind getting the $1200 smart controller, IF it was backwards compatible with my Mavic 2 Pro. But we know that's not going to happen. The Air2s looks especially attractively priced compared to the Mini 3. You can get a complete A2s kit with fly more, refurb for $1200. I think the only thing that makes the Mini 3 attractive to me is if I have to travel out of the country where weight restrictions are more strict than here. If I were investing in a trip the extra cost of the Mini 3 would be inconsequential. With the haircut I'd have to take with my Mini 2 I'd probably just keep it so I could fly with my grandson.
One of the reasons I stayed with Nikon was that very aspect-the lenses from long ago still fit my latest Nikon series (e.g.: D750) and upwards to the D850.
Same here, I have all my old and new Nikon gear. Now Nikon even allows you to use cropped and full frame lenses on either body type.

Canon, on the other hand, do not allow their customers that same generous feature. The lenses differ in the length behind the fitting plate. So, a lens, say for the cropped sensor camera, is longer backwards from the fitting plate/mount of that lens, so sticks further into the body of the cropped sensor camera body. This lens will not fit a full frame Canon body because it hits something inside the camera.
Some of us old timer may have relied on Hasselblad Cameras and lenses (and accessories) back in the day. Over the years I acquired four Hasselblad systems and a variety of lenses, some older some newer. My first one was purchased (used) in 1973 and I built the system up from there. But the really cool thing is that no matter how they offered updated equipment, all their stuff was forwards and backwards compatible. Nothing became obsolete, even over many decades. I suppose much of that changed when they went digital.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I've not done a deep dive into the various components, but this the following is what I am led to believe for the most part.

But as I was thinking about DJI's approach to peripherals, it makes me scratch my head why so many of their accessories, (goggles, controllers, etc) are often not even cross compatible with current/semi-current equipment. Smart controllers: So they come out with a new smart controller, charge $1200 for it (M3 as an example) , and yet there are limited models that you can use it with. Can you even use it with the current Air2s? And what's crazy is that they make googles and controllers for 3rd party FPV drones, but not compatible with the drones that DJI produces?

While I realize that electronics provide a different compatability challenge than mechanical devices, one would think that a major company would want to make as many components cross compatible as possible And perhaps they're trying to do that when they came out with the Mini 2 controller... But considering the quality of the previous controllers (MIni 1 and particularly Mavic 2) one would thing that a company looking to boost price levels would look to provide some additional value, especially when looking at premium priced drones and accessories.

I'd love to buy some DJI goggles a smart controller, etc, but can't pull the trigger because there isn't even a hint of a promise that they would be forward or backwards compatible. DJI uses the Hasselblad name, but IMO should try better to follow the Hasselblad philosophy of compatibility.

Sorry for the rant. Dismounting soap box.
I'm a pilot and the same thing goes on with one of the major hand held radio makers icom. There are two little jack plugs that fit into the top of their radios, one small and one even smaller. When you buy a radio, if you are flying, you will need to have a headset plugged into that radio, in order to speak with the tower/ATC, of course. Therefore, you need to buy a radio adapter plug that your headset will plug into and the other end of that adapter plugs into the top of your radio.

These plugs have several poles on them (rings on those little jack plugs). When icom comes out with a new radio, they change the pole settings on those plugs, so that you cannot use your old headset adapter with the new radio. Now since there are only two pins on those jack plugs each with three poles or rings, there are only so many permutations that can be applied until you are back to square one.

It's rather naughty of icom to make you have to buy a new headset adapter each time you buy a new radio, but that is how they make their extra money, and many companies do this with their products. With icom, if you had an old headset adapter sitting around, as they kept changing the poling on those pins of the jack plug, I discovered that one day they went right through all the permutations and suddenly my very old adapter would now work again with the new radios, because they ran out of permutations and came back to the original settings.

Now they have come out with a new twist, the latest radio will work with an old adapter BUT, it will no longer be powered by the headset adapter, that could also be plugged into your aircraft power system. Now, you have to use the handheld battery during flight, whereby the old ones would be trickle charged during use, by your aircraft's power system. Therefore, you once again, need to buy a new headset adapter from them. So, you see, this happens all over, not just with DJI.
It's rather naughty of icom to make you have to buy a new headset adapter each time you buy a new radio, but that is how they make their extra money, and many companies do this with their products. With icom, if you had an old headset adapter sitting around, as they kept changing the poling on those pins of the jack plug, I discovered that one day they went right through all the permutations and suddenly my very old adapter would now work again with the new radios, because they ran out of permutations and came back to the original settings.
There are two reasons that companies might do this: The technology at hand may not make equipment backwards compatible. I don't know anything about ICOM, but in terms of a real, man carrying fixed wing aircraft, you know it will be very costly, no matter what.

The second reason is MARGIN BUILDING. I get that. But with DJI drones, we're not talking about a $100k piece of equipment. The perception of the reality of margin building in the case of DJI can be witnessed in their succession of drones and the controllers that are necessary to make them do what they do. The biggest give-away in DJI's over-aggressive margin building can be seen in their controllers, the way they package and price them, then charge exorbitant fees to get the controller that isn't a step backwards from a previous model. It doesn't stop there. They don't even make their expensive controller to be compatible and previous or even upcoming models (presuming the M3 smart controller won't work with the Mini 3). No. To get premium controls, should you have both drones you have to pay up and buy both upgraded controllers. And they know they've got you. They take a great bump in the new model drone itself while taking the cheap route on their cheapest controller. Then they bump you again for the upgraded controller that has all the convenient buttons that would make making adjustments flying so much easier.

Note that DJI is selling the FMC separately from the other packages. I think they are selling one Mini 3 package without a controller, just drone and battery. I think for some there are legitimate reasons to upgrade to a Mini 3. I think in my case, I'd buy the drone+battery package to get some savings, then get their smart controller and an extended battery. There will be 3rd party charging systems on the market, I'm sure which may be more efficient than the DJI chargers.

Recently (last week) I helped my daughter buy certified pre-owned used car, and the games that got played remind me of the good old 60's used care shennanigans that mercifully went away in subsequent years. DJI's recent pricing all seems too much like a modified play out of the used car playbook, especially when there is limited product and competition. JMO
A really good reason to stick with one system. I switched from Nikon to Canon around 2004 or so and built my lens stable. I only had a few Nikon AF lenses at the time (and still have one). Consequently, switching brands was not in my best economic interest. Interestingly, Sony has come a long, long way in the imaging business since acquiring Minolta (probably the most under-rated brand previously on the market). Sony has some great gear and Nikon has come a long, long, long ways since the early 2000's. Truly I wish there was an economical digital back I could put on my Hasseblads. At the time, before I went 100% digital around 2002-3 I had about $30,000 in Hasselblad lenses that I carried on almost a daily basis. While I'd like to still be able to use them they owe me nothing as I made a lot of money with them.

Getting back to the theme... If only DJI would try to make things work across more of their drones.

Well first of all, no one ever forces anyone to upgrade, it's either a need, a want or a tax deduction advantage so why not kind of thing.

Pre digital, Nikon F pro film bodies were usually updated every 7-8 years if one recalls. I still have my F3, FM3A and some nice AIS glass but I have fully updated the digital stuff to the incredible Z system including the absurd Z9. I am also still using a very battery healthy M2P and SC that I will keep in service for reasons of not having updated the FW since purchase in 2019 so it might be able to "Fly Below the Radar" in some instances. I did just add the inexpensive Mini 3 to the hangar due to the vertical shot option, a lot of need for that in my work.

But the Hassy system, good god, best camera system ever made and I use it a lot for my fine art black and white work. I took a 501CM, Flexbody and 7 lenses to the Faroe Islands for two months last year and shot hundreds of rolls of great images. I have been using them in my career since 1988 and now have my biggest system ever, 4x 501CM's, 2x Flexbodies, 14 A-12 backs, 10 lenses and of course the amazing and very affordable 907X with the CFVII 50C back which I also took to the Faroe's.

I have been using digital since 1994, I am all too familiar with forced obsolescence, surely do not let it bother me and just make sound decisions based on the criteria in the first sentence of my post. I also figure it this way, no one is forcing me to sell the old gear either and it is only obsolete if it stops doing the task I bought it for.

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