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It would be interesting to know what someone did with drones there in the past that caused that rule to be created. I suspect it has nothing to do with the love (or hate) of radio controlled devices.
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WOW What a Lovely Wedding!! Sorry We cant have food. The wedding planner will love the fact that you can't bring anything unless you unbox it in the van. leave the kids and the pets in the car with your purse.
and you will love the shaky wedding photos.
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Hey, that pic looks familiar... 😉
It would be interesting to know what someone did with drones there in the past that caused that rule to be created. I suspect it has nothing to do with the love (or hate) of radio controlled devices.
Maybe there was an incident involving just one of the listed and they decide to create a list with several items including drones out of precaution because they know people will want to bring drones.
If we continue to allow "drones" to be included in a list of boiler plate prohibited items, pretty soon you won't be able to bring your drone (implied as "fly" your drone) in any interesting places. I'm not happy that drones end up on the same short list as skateboards where the general public makes assumption whenever they see one. The sign should read "drones welcome on our private property. please check in with the front destroy to get a free drone pass" and then if you don't want to issue passes....up to you. Maybe only allow drones at the very beginning of the day before the foot traffic picks up. Maybe have a designated spot in the parking lot where drones can take off or land.

My point is "drones? see the front desk" is better than "here's a list of bad bad dangerous items including *weaponry* we don't allow on the property."
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If we continue to allow "drones" to be included in a list of boiler plate prohibited items, pretty soon you won't be able to bring your drone (implied as "fly" your drone) in any interesting places
Spot on.
In my short time and few flights I have had a few conversations with the public they have all been genuinely interested in the drone and impressed with the view on the screen, I don't fly low when people are out enjoying the countryside I think a little common sense goes a long way in this hobby.
As for these places putting restrictions on drones maybe limit how many can fly at the same time, how low they can fly and times they can fly.
Spot on.
In my short time and few flights I have had a few conversations with the public they have all been genuinely interested in the drone and impressed with the view on the screen, I don't fly low when people are out enjoying the countryside I think a little common sense goes a long way in this hobby.
As for these places putting restrictions on drones maybe limit how many can fly at the same time, how low they can fly and times they can fly.
I wonder if the anti-drone brigade will be happy when their 'prohibitions' apply to the inevitable Amazon and Google drones, or the ones slated to deliver their weekly shopping? Or might they decide that those drones (also fitted with cameras) aren't flown by idiots, hooligans, criminals or perverts?

Now that would be ironic.
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