Is my video very stuttery/jittery or is it my computer? I'm talking about these panning shots, they seem to "skip" a lot if you look closely and watch a few times. Is it my computer or is anyone else seeing it too? I just got a new computer, and never noticed this stuttering before on my old computer, however my new computer is a 24 core processor top of the line so I don't think it should struggle with 4k video.
Video shot:
Auto WB
Auto Exposure
Auto Shutter
Auto etc
I know I messed up by not using manual settings and not doing the 180 rule (by using 1/50s shutter). It could also be the cause. But I just at this point want to verify if it's just my computer struggling or if the video itself is actually bad from the drone.
Also I know panning shots they say to use 60fps but I need to shoot in 4k for my purposes so 30fps is absolutely highest I can do. Or the experts say to slow down the panning while flying, but for these scenes because it's such a long pan I can't really slow it down much without making the finished video too long and slow.
It's not just panning, I was also doing some where I was flying straight ahead with the camera pointed slightly down at the ground and noticed the same stuttering too
Video shot:
Auto WB
Auto Exposure
Auto Shutter
Auto etc
I know I messed up by not using manual settings and not doing the 180 rule (by using 1/50s shutter). It could also be the cause. But I just at this point want to verify if it's just my computer struggling or if the video itself is actually bad from the drone.
Also I know panning shots they say to use 60fps but I need to shoot in 4k for my purposes so 30fps is absolutely highest I can do. Or the experts say to slow down the panning while flying, but for these scenes because it's such a long pan I can't really slow it down much without making the finished video too long and slow.
It's not just panning, I was also doing some where I was flying straight ahead with the camera pointed slightly down at the ground and noticed the same stuttering too