I've been flying a couple years now,just for fun. I have two Parrot Bebop2 power editions and a Mavic mini..also had a Phantom 3 SE I sold a while ago. I've been thinking about selling my Bebop's and getting a Mini 2. I like the Mavic Mini because it's a lot smaller/lighter than the bebops,flies a bit farther,has a better camera ( Bebop has great video but "still" pics are fisheye photo's) The Bebop has a limited internal memory for vid's (7g's) unless you do the external memory upgrade (basically an upload from the web where you can then plug a SD card into the back with adapter to the usb port) The Bebop's are "old" technology..FAA can't monitor where your flying from,when,where as they can now do with new drones. If I try flying my Mavic Mini from my deck I keep getting warnings because I'm about 3 miles (as the crow fly's) from a local municipal airport ( very small airport no big planes) and at times it won't let me launch,where I can with the bebop. Yes the bop's need to be registered (500g's) and DJI doesn't.