Yep ... that's the correct DAT log. Strangely DatCon translate the time axis differently between the TXT & the DAT ... have seen this before so it's not related to the incident, just how DatCon translate (perhaps
@BudWalker can explain).
Looking into the DAT make me now think that due to how the OP commands the AC there in the end with a sudden release of the elevator from full forward sport, applies max descend & begins to rotate CCW with approx 75% applied rudder input ... tricked me into leaning to a lost left front thrust.
Plotting in the combined acceleration of the AC to determine where it hit the ground (Black) shows a big spike at 555.3sec which then ought to be the touch down (it's there the AC reaches the lowest height also) ... so all that happens after that, should be a result of the crash & not the cause.
Comparing all 4 sides rpm's, FC command & current draw reveals that the front right doesn't behave at all before the crash ...
Note how the motor rpm (Red) drops to the bottom already at 552,3sec & never recovers. The initial decrease of the rpm is due to the OP's maneuvering, but at 554,2sec the FC commands 100% (Green) & the current spike high (Blue) ... but nothing happens with the rpm, it remains on 500-ish & drops then to around 100 rpm's.
Something jammed that front right motor in the end ... & that was the cause to this incident.
View attachment 113863
The front left then ... well that one didn't behave either, but that happened after the crash, and there the prop broke. After the touch down (the spike in the black graph) both the rpm & the FC command goes sky high meanwhile the current draw goes nearly to nothing. Before the crash where the marker is placed in the chart everything lines up as it should ... so the cause wasn't there.
View attachment 113865