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Jerky video playbacks


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2020
In my recent videos all of the playbacks are jerky not smooth and flowing as they should be, does anyone have an idea why this is happening? I'm not using hyperlaps while recording. And I'm in Auto mode for now.
Thanks for your help!
A lot depends on your computer and your graphics card and the resolution of the image file. What computer are you using? How much RAM? What kind of graphics card? What is the resolution of the video that you're trying to watch? Is it straight from the bird to the computer, or are you in a processing program?

What more can you tell us about your situation?
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A lot depends on your computer and your graphics card and the resolution of the image file. What computer are you using? How much RAM? What kind of graphics card? What is the resolution of the video that you're trying to watch? Is it straight from the bird to the computer, or are you in a processing program?

What more can you tell us about your situation?
Thanks you for replying! I'm working with Windows 10 the computer is about 3 years old with 12 gigs of ram and an Nvidia graphics card not sure how much ram on the video card maybe 512. This particular video I shot in 1080 Auto I wanted to try the tracking feature with my grandson. I down loaded the video from the SD card directly into my computer. I have several videos they all do it.
Thanks you for replying! I'm working with Windows 10 the computer is about 3 years old with 12 gigs of ram and an Nvidia graphics card not sure how much ram on the video card maybe 512. This particular video I shot in 1080 Auto I wanted to try the tracking feature with my grandson. I down loaded the video from the SD card directly into my computer. I have several videos they all do it.
With only 512 mb of ram on your video card that might explain it. I have an older Sony laptop, and while the processor and ram seem sufficient, I can't even watch YouTube in 1080p without stutter. Other than that I can't speculate.
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