I am a hobbyist ( Part 336) pilot. Don't have my Part 107, and really have no need since I have no desire to do anything commercial at this time.
However, I want to stay legal which includes notifying local airports when I'm within their 5 miles.
I've noticed I've been able to use Skyward to do LAANC notifications, unfortunately, either their mobile app doesn't have this ability or I'm totally missing it.
Tried using Airmap, but they seem to be limiting this to only Part 107 pilots.
So, any suggestions for the non-107 pilots? Any good mobile app that will allow us to do LAANC notifications to our local airports?
PS Side note ... was recently in Indiana flying, and notified two small airports. The airport operators were extremely friendly, asking questions, asking for my call back and were very gracious thanking me for making the call ... this is the way it should be on both sides.
However, I want to stay legal which includes notifying local airports when I'm within their 5 miles.
I've noticed I've been able to use Skyward to do LAANC notifications, unfortunately, either their mobile app doesn't have this ability or I'm totally missing it.
Tried using Airmap, but they seem to be limiting this to only Part 107 pilots.
So, any suggestions for the non-107 pilots? Any good mobile app that will allow us to do LAANC notifications to our local airports?
PS Side note ... was recently in Indiana flying, and notified two small airports. The airport operators were extremely friendly, asking questions, asking for my call back and were very gracious thanking me for making the call ... this is the way it should be on both sides.