I just got one of those balance lanyards for the M4P / RC2, which is quite nice in that, unadorned, it does hang the remote level at rest, but I want my sun shade to remain on it (more as a screen / joystick protector than anything else), which ruins the balance there when attached. So I have been looking at chest mounts instead. Anybody tried this sort of thing as an alternative ?
Also there are weird things happening on Amazon with this. 3 days ago an identical one was up there with a completely different (but equally nebulous / direct-from-China-sounding) company name, which then completely disappeared a day later, and was replaced by this one !
I imagine it might be useful in controlling a drone while riding an EUC (electric unicycle), for example, which I would like to do if I can only convince myself I can find a safe way of doing both concurrently.
Also there are weird things happening on Amazon with this. 3 days ago an identical one was up there with a completely different (but equally nebulous / direct-from-China-sounding) company name, which then completely disappeared a day later, and was replaced by this one !
I imagine it might be useful in controlling a drone while riding an EUC (electric unicycle), for example, which I would like to do if I can only convince myself I can find a safe way of doing both concurrently.
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