Back story: I live in miami south beach and the largest cruise ship in the world Symphony of the Seas is docked here. It usually leaves on a Saturday at 4:30. I noticed it at port today and saw that it was departing at 8pm. I’ve been trying for almost a year to catch this ship but something always happens I.e. bad weather, work, one time it left early etc...
With it leaving at night, I made a point to try and capture it as it is just an amazing ship and at night, even better.
So I get out at 7pm, just Incase it departs early. Well 8pm rolls around, 8:30, 9:00 and then around 9:15 I finally here the horn. Yay- I get ready and launch. Position it as it get closer, and 3,2,1 hit record!
Bam-SD card full. Are you kidding me?
Of course I freak out and just fly around it etc... WoW, what a beautiful ship, and at night- holy cow. I’m so mad at myself. I even cleared the cache but didn’t think of the card.
Now I’m even more mad if I’m right in thinking you can clear card from tablet. (Format SD card???) is this correct?
I Did managed to get 1 pic from my phone.

I Need to check my head!?
With it leaving at night, I made a point to try and capture it as it is just an amazing ship and at night, even better.
So I get out at 7pm, just Incase it departs early. Well 8pm rolls around, 8:30, 9:00 and then around 9:15 I finally here the horn. Yay- I get ready and launch. Position it as it get closer, and 3,2,1 hit record!
Bam-SD card full. Are you kidding me?
Of course I freak out and just fly around it etc... WoW, what a beautiful ship, and at night- holy cow. I’m so mad at myself. I even cleared the cache but didn’t think of the card.
Now I’m even more mad if I’m right in thinking you can clear card from tablet. (Format SD card???) is this correct?
I Did managed to get 1 pic from my phone.

I Need to check my head!?
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