Hi. I updated the firmware on my Mavic Pro at the beginning of the week. Have flown 2 flights since the update and during both flights, the altitude reading is completely wrong. I can be approximately 100 feet AGL and the telemetry reads 30-40 feet. Since my last two flights were for agricultural use, I need as much legal height as possible to capture more in each photo. In order to make sure I wasn't anywhere close to violating the 400' AGL height, I purposely flew much lower (maybe 50 feet above tree heights) in order to maintain regulation. I have a pre-flight checklist before each flight and calibrating the compass is on the list. I have turned off the drone and remote several times to no avail. I've also had gimbal issues since the update. Upon taking off, I will get the error message of too much gimbal vibration. In both instances I have immediately landed, performed a gimbal calibration and this problem has gone away. Other than these two issues, everything else is operating properly. Anybody else experience these problems? Thanks for any advice.
Oh, should've mentioned that I'm using the DJI GO 4 app that is up to date.
Oh, should've mentioned that I'm using the DJI GO 4 app that is up to date.