Mine are in their own little compartments in the LowePro Droneguard backpack, 6 for the M1P.
This sits on my office shelf.
Ditto the Spark, 3 are in the drone and DJI charging station, that and 2 more batteries in HD ziplock bags are stored on their own backpack, in the same office shelving.
If not flying for a couple of months, I make sure to check them from time to time, and if I find them getting a little low (eg 1-1/2 leds) I'll make a plan to charge all up and go fly all out to 2 solid / 1 flashing leds (storage level).
Every flight, I check swelling before / after flight, check temp by touching to ensure not too hot, and also check cell balances.
Every charge up, I check the batteries periodically for temps a few times, and just after fully charged check for swelling.
They all still fly as good as they did when new, the 2017 / 2018 era, so very happy with how good they are performing and the endurance of the builds.