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Litchi Panoramas


Dec 7, 2016
I just used the Litchi app for the first time tonight on a project I'm helping a friend out with. While I was impressed with the automated panorama the bottom of the photo (arguably the most important part we're doing for our project) is pretty squished together. Do anyone have any tips for how to make it better? I shot at 3 rows with 26 photos. Don't mind taking more than that, I just need to no what to do to fix the nastiness.
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I am assuming you had at least one shot that was directly downward (called a nadir shot). Can you put up a Dropbox folder with all the original photos? If you don't want to share widely, just PM me the URL and I will peek at it.
I'm having an issue with the Litchi app doing panorama.
Nexus 5x running android 7.1.1 and Litchi v3.10.1 with pano settings of 3 rows, 30 degrees, 8 photos per row, 360 width, 2 nadirs, row by row, no wait times.
After clicking start, the gimbal tilts up and takes the first photo then after about 5 seconds i get an error. The voice alert says panorama ended. The text alert says "Error 11: panorama ended because the capture timed out."
I just used the Litchi app for the first time tonight on a project I'm helping a friend out with. While I was impressed with the automated panorama the bottom of the photo (arguably the most important part we're doing for our project) is pretty squished together. Do anyone have any tips for how to make it better? I shot at 3 rows with 26 photos. Don't mind taking more than that, I just need to no what to do to fix the nastiness.
What program you using for stitching?
I use autopana giga. Looks like the software you are using isn't taking into consideration the last 2 nadir shots.
And try to add a fake sky. I normally just use paint and fill the black with a sky blue.
I hope that isn't the problem. I hate shooting JPG.
RAW may not work because the writing time may exceed the next pano shot. 1.5 seconds is not enough writing time for a Pano. The only around for RAW 360 is do it manually. Use the RADAR and start from north with the camera tilted up and take 8 pics until you finish at north. Tilt the camera down a little and repeat. Tilt it down a little more and repeat. The finally add 2 Nadir shots as a guarantee.
You can manually shoot if you need raw. I've shot dozens of panos with Litchi P3P, P4, Mavic but before did them manually. The latest version has eliminated timeouts and missed shots for me with the Mavic on jpg although sometimes it double or even triple shoots a shot or two. Was more reliable with P3P and P4 than Mavic.
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Strikes me as odd. I have no problems at all having Litchi take a 34 shot JPG+Raw pano, 4 rows x 8 + 2 nadirs, No Wait time. My Mavic has no problem writing both JPG + RAW within the same pano.

Check your camera settings and maybe set it to fully auto for testing. Could have been inadvertently set on some silly long exposure time.
Strikes me as odd. I have no problems at all having Litchi take a 34 shot JPG+Raw pano, 4 rows x 8 + 2 nadirs, No Wait time. My Mavic has no problem writing both JPG + RAW within the same pano.

What card are you using?
I was trying some software to stich the pictures together but they were quite expensive and even when I captured some good 360 panoramas I dont know which free Mac OS app can do the trick for me.
I just used the Litchi app for the first time tonight on a project I'm helping a friend out with. While I was impressed with the automated panorama the bottom of the photo (arguably the most important part we're doing for our project) is pretty squished together. Do anyone have any tips for how to make it better? I shot at 3 rows with 26 photos. Don't mind taking more than that, I just need to no what to do to fix the nastiness.

Not sure if you are still around. I responded to you that week with my results from your files. Didn't hear back from the PMs. Forgot about it until this thread came up again.
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