Our weather here in Minnesota has been less then ideal but in-between snow, in-between cold, in-between horrendous winds I've been able to get out a little. Less yet making time in a busy life can be challenging also but the love of flying and photography keeps me going.
All these 360° came directly out of the Mavic 2 Pro. I've work hard on trying to figure out how to stitch my own RAW photo's together and add a fill in sky but it's a elusive process for me. Onward I go though and the stitching together of the RAW photo's I've got it's the sky filling that's being difficult. Here's a few more 360° I've put on my Kuula page.......
All these 360° came directly out of the Mavic 2 Pro. I've work hard on trying to figure out how to stitch my own RAW photo's together and add a fill in sky but it's a elusive process for me. Onward I go though and the stitching together of the RAW photo's I've got it's the sky filling that's being difficult. Here's a few more 360° I've put on my Kuula page.......

Monticello Minnesota - This Panorama was taken from West Bridg...
Monticello Minnesota - This Panorama was taken from West Bridge park. Monticello has the Mississippi River flowing through it which is part of the Northern border of the county.

Clearwater Minnesota...Panorama was taken close to the most no...
Clearwater Minnesota...Panorama was taken close to the most northern part of the county. Riverside Park is the meeting of the Clearwater and Mississippi River's which are the county lines.

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