I know that and that is the very first thing I wrote was, "Your drone had the 18 satellites, and the Fly App was reporting what your drone was receiving..."
What I was trying to find out was to determine if the device (smartphone, tablet, etc…) was GPS capable. For Find My Drone to work fully, the controller/App needs to know where it is GPS-wise. So the comment to check UAVForecast as a standalone App was to determine if the device could receive GPS signal.
The OP's posting (#3) was ever so confusing, did they receive GPS on the Iphone and Ipad or Not… (they wrote "Nada"…)
If the Device cannot process the GPS signal, then the Find My Drone feature would only show the Home Point as that information was sent from the drone when it took off and reported that to the App and if the Drone is still operational, it will report its position, if the Drone is not operational, the App would show the last recorded position of the Drone, where ever that might have been, even if it was still airborne and flying and in this case, the drone is nowhere near its last position…
However, if the Device cannot receive GPS signals, then as you (with the controller in hand) move about looking for the drone, it will not report you new position as you leave the Home Point. You will not know your relative position to the home point or the drone…
This might also explain the OP posting that "I find that the blue arrow doesn't rotate when I turn the controller around, nor when I move."
I have never experimented with even attempting to turn off my devices GPS so I do not know if it's even possible…
Hey, I'm brain storming here… The OP only stated that they were testing the Find My Drone but never gave any specifics. Was the drone at their feet, did they fly it a distance, the condition of the battery, etc… Which is why I forwarded the OP the link to the User manual.
As a "Well Known Member" with "a gazzion" pastings, I know you have seen lots of postings when someone wrote in and said Return to Home will not, when the drone was still parked on the landing pad, or they flew it to the end of the driveway and it was only 20-feet of so away and after we told them to set the RTH altitude, do not take off from inside the garage or under a tree, and fly at least 20-meters away it all "magically worked,,,"