RC not connected to mobi…
Ahhhh Edit
What drone was this? At 48m distance I think drones have differing RTH behaviours and that might be important.
End Edit
Unfortunately I think the above is a truncation of "RC not connected to mobile".
The message for an entire loss of control connection between the controller and the drone differs, with my Fly app and a Mavic Mini controller the latter message is "Aircraft not connected t...."
My phone also truncates these messages but at a guess the missing remainder is something to the effect "to the RC."
I assume you are using a drone that uses a separate controller and screen-device/phone.
I think it is a pity that DJI do not alter the font size for these disconnection messages so that the entire message is visible on 'small' screens.
If the above is correct it means that you most likely still had control of the drone. All that had happened is that the 'phone' had, for some reason, disconnected from the controller. Many DJI drones can be flown without a screen device providing that no 'authorisations' are required.
If the phone remained disconnected from the controller then the flight log will probably end with the disconnection of the phone from the controller, if not then the useful data will end at that point.
In the above circumstances all that was necessary for you to do was press, once and once only, the RTH button on the controller. Or and as perverse as it sounds switch the controller off. The latter assunmes that the loss-of-connection/failsafe option is set to RTH.
Assuming the cotroller and drone were still in contact with one another, repeated pressing of the RTH button on the controller could have left you in the situation that the drone hovered until the battery was exhausted and the drone entered a forced landing.
Incidentally it is likely that the controller's battery charge level LEDs would have been flashing simultaneously if the controller had lost connection with the drone, if they remaineds solidly lit then the controller was still in contact with the drone.
Sorry for the possibly bad news and the loss of your drone.