Hello! I would like to share my sad story how i've lost my dron in a first day. I've recieved my mavic air as the birthday gift and lost it in third flight.
I'de been flying in mountains of Montenegro, when dron have switched to the low battery RTH mode and start moving home (as i think) I've to cancel this mode and manually land it, but it was first day of my expirience and I panic. Mavic started to move opposit direction from recorded home point, when i've mention this i've tried to reset the home point again and got the OK message but drone was continiuesly flying away from me and totally lost in the mountaints.
I've created the case with DJI support, and they have replied to me, that i got message about high wind while take off (i've got this message only one time) and dron was blown away from home point by the strong wind. But i've been flying move that 6 minutes and everyhting was ok,i've cached videos that dron was flying in autrotrack mode with no issues.
Here are the logs:
Airdata UAV - Flight Data Analysis for Drones
I'de been flying in mountains of Montenegro, when dron have switched to the low battery RTH mode and start moving home (as i think) I've to cancel this mode and manually land it, but it was first day of my expirience and I panic. Mavic started to move opposit direction from recorded home point, when i've mention this i've tried to reset the home point again and got the OK message but drone was continiuesly flying away from me and totally lost in the mountaints.
I've created the case with DJI support, and they have replied to me, that i got message about high wind while take off (i've got this message only one time) and dron was blown away from home point by the strong wind. But i've been flying move that 6 minutes and everyhting was ok,i've cached videos that dron was flying in autrotrack mode with no issues.
Here are the logs:
Airdata UAV - Flight Data Analysis for Drones