I live in Hawaii, and often times I'm at the beach filming a friend surfing, its a good way to work on flight chops as well. What makes this interesting is that I launched from a spot about 10ft (3m) above the water. I was out 500 ft from shore hovering waiting for a set of waves to come. I took my eyes off my drone for 10-15 seconds to check my immediate surroundings and looked up and there was no drone, no waves and the RC said Aircraft disconnected. I hit the return home thinking that it could have flown away and nothing. I had my Mavic 2 Pro there as back up but as the timing was my friends were heading back in. I got home and reviewed the Flight log and see the last spot it registered and it was hovering then nothing. So I made a case with DJI, uploaded the logs to the engineers and received a phone call 2 days later. We chatted about it and could not find any fault but they offered me another Mini 3 Pro and Plus Battery. I received it 2 days ago and haven't had a chance to take it out yet but I will as soon as I can. I am happy with the Customer Service.