Hi everyone; During the last year, I have been following the forum but never had the chance to post something. Now, I think it’s the time

Yesterday I met the most crazy behaviour in an airport ever (London Luton). I am a frequent traveler and as always I travel with my camera gear equipement; including my drone, a Mavic Air. I have travelled through all London airports and midlands airports.
Disclaimer: I always try to co-operate with the security guidelines and be polite (except from yesterday when the security at the end was behaving completely unreasonably). This means that all my equipment is packed and un-packed (per security guidance) during the security check, all the batteries are lower than the limit of 100Wh. They are in LiPo-bags with their ports specifically covered and protected;.
I put in one tray the drone bag (the usual fly-more combo bag), and the bag with the rest of my gear including the extra batteries in another tray. The gear+batteries tray passed the x-rays check and was collected immediately by me. The drone bag stayed for further check.
One lady, who already was behaving in an irritating manner with other travellers as well, approaches me holding my tray (drone bag). She already had showed signs of irritation to me due to the fact that I was standing at the other side of the security desk. She opened my bag, even though I had told her I want to handle these myself per her guidance. She argued that no, she had to do it herself. She handled the Mavic Air without knowing what it is and without my demanding care, she went through the back pockets, removed every cable in a kind of a rude way. At the end, she showed a feeling that she did not know why she was checking the bag in the first place as everything seemed ok. The Mavic Air was sitting aside as it wasn’t a suspicious object at the moment. And then, here it comes;
Dialogue: (between me and the irritated security woman)
- What’s this?
- It’s a drone
- Oh, no no no this is not allowed with you, I have to confiscate it; I will check with my supervisor
(The nearby security man looked at us surpised)
There was no further thought for her; Only the keyword drone was an alarm for confiscation to her.
She took the drone, even though I insisted that I want myself to handle this expensive piece of gear. Her reply was that this gear is now hers, does not belong to me until she says so.
After a while she came back confirming that the supervisor hadn’t allowed for the drone to travel with me and it had to stay back (confiscated). No further details. And that’s the point that I went furious and almost crazy (I couldn’t resist anymore). I started to say that I had obeyed every rule. The battery is discharged to ~40% and I tried to indicate it too. I insisted on the fact that it is much less under the limit of 100Wh and it is legally allowed on board. She said no word about my other bag since that bag had already passed the initial check and no questions were asked. No mention about the total number of batteries etc.
And then, the all surprised security man from nearby stepped in and said to her:
Dialogue: (between friendly security guy and the hysterical security woman)
- What’s this? Oh, a Mavic Air, I have a mavic pro; Of course it can travel.
- No it can’t (she insisted).
- Please check again, I see those all the time and I am allowing on board; It’s legal for it to be on board; We have no authority to keep it.
She went back and then when she returned she said that the manager now told her it is ok to travel but it has to be on the hold luggage and not in my carry on; she had to check it in the hold. Then I was even more crazy, I had lost all my patience at the moment; people nearby were trying to support me since they knew that this behaviour of the security was unreasonable. For the third time, she goes back (after the other security man prompt her one more time); at the end she accepted to allow it in my carry on as soon as the battery was kept separate from the drone.
WTF, this is more unreasonable, I thought. The regulations say that the battery has to be equipped on the device otherwise it should be protected in a LiPo bag with port covers. I didn’t fight more. I said that’s absolutely ok, will do.
I put the battery back on the drone and I left.
During the whole event, there was no mention by the security about keywords like: LiPo bags, port covers, charge level, number of batteries, Wh.
... It’s just a drone.
- I am always prepared for situations like this; but come on, it is hard to remain patient. I could not imagine something so unreasonable.
- It does’t matter if you try to point out the regulation or the laws; they try to tell you that they don’t care.
- The can be rude and nobody give a [Language Removed by Moderator].
- I could easily lose my flight since I wouldn’t leave my drone there. At the end I don’t know what would have been more costly.
- We will always be in the target from now on, since many people start becoming drone heaters; they are just getting alarmed in the keyword “Drone”
At the end, there was no further checks or statements about my gear bag which had 5 more mavic batteries, one battery-bank, camera batteries, camera flash speed-lite batteries. They could have clearly checked me for these but no! The drone was the only problem with its just one equipped battery that they found. (As I told the gear bag passed the check during the initial scan). Not even questions about my flight (airline etc.)
My only question that I could ask you. Is there any official authority that I could file a complain about the security of the airport?
Also, how could I have avoided the situation ? I have been traveling with my mavic since its release last year. I have been to airports outside Europe. No issues at all. Any experiences from anyone or advise ?
Hope that this situation will be taken into account by fellow drone-travellers and have the same luck as me (not losing a flight or their drone); As it seems, it starts to be a pure luck if you can travel with a drone from now on.
If you read it till the end, thanks

I appreciate it...
- Don’t say that you have a drone. It is just an unmanned aerial device (or just UAV); maybe it is less alarming to ignorant people.
- Why I still think that they wanted to just keep my drone for their personal pleasure ?