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M2P - Missing RAW files for Horizontal Panos


Jan 29, 2020
I just got my second M2P and it was refurbished from the Official DJI Store on eBay (though somehow it was shipped from Drone Nerds)

I have 2 issues:

1. I recorded 15-20 horizontal Panos + 10-20 regular stills in Jpg + Raw. All files and folders are there except one of the RAW subfolders containing the 9 raw images which is missing. The stitched jpg is still there.

2. On another day, I took 20-30 360 spherical Panos, and 3 images got recorded onto internal storage. 1 that is part of the 3 is missing. I could swear that all of the memory cards had plenty of space. I can only imagine that we recorded the photos somehow without the memory card.

These issues only started happening with the refurbished drone. My first non-refurbished M2P never had these issues - the total amount of panos I shot during my entire ownership of the old drone is less than or about the same as the 2 days with the new one.

- Does this have to do with the drone being refurbished?
- Is this a one-off thing?
- Should I send it to DJI?

Thanks in advance!
EDIT: on re-reading of your post, it's not clear if you are never getting the RAW files (in which case the below may help), or are only getting them some of the time, which is not something I've experienced.

Note that even if you set "Image Format" to "JPEG+RAW" (which works in most photo shooting modes), the pano shooting mode still will not save the RAW files unless you have another setting set. I am not finding it now (DJI documentation is not the best), but the name of the setting in DJI Go 4 is something like "SAVE RAW WITH PANO" or something along those lines

You may need to be in Pano shooting mode to see that option.

The DNG files are stored in different folders for each pano, if I remember right.

AH, I may have found it: Tap the camera settings icon on the main screen, then select the Gear icon, the select "Save Original" and it should allow you to save JPG or RAW for Original Panorama
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For the first day, all of the jpgs + raws saved except one of them where the jpg saved but the raw folder with the dng did not save. So almost all were perfect except one pano's raw folder.

For Day 2, almost all of the panos (jpg + raw folder) were present, except 4, which I found 3 of them to be in the internal storage (jpgs and raw folders). According to the client, 1 is missing (Jpg + Raw folder)

Does that make sense?
Yeah, You you have the settings set correctly, but you're getting in consistent results.

The first thing I would do is try new cards, but if that doesn't pan out, send it back for a refund if you can. I wouldn't send it to DJI for repairs unless it cannot be refunded.

Pano photos missing has happened to me before - you just need to update your firmware.

Twice when my firmware wasn’t up to date the pano folders stopped being produced, but as soon as you update they start to be produced again
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